Dear gentle readers and the lovely and talented Scientific Blogging/Science 2.0 community,

You may have noticed that I have not been around much lately, and I felt I should let everyone know what has been going on. I have recently left Boston *wiping tears*, this time transplanting to Tallahassee, Florida for a yet-undetermined period of time. I am starting a few new ventures and projects which are quite exciting, so this was a necessary move right now.  I apologize for the lack of new posts lately, as I have been trying to orchestrate this whole move as swiftly and efficiently as possible- but you know things never work out as planned. I will continue to write here at Science 2.0, so no need to panic- you can put down the pitchforks and cancel the protest.

However, now that I am (relatively) settled into my new digs, you can look forward to a series of new articles coming your way soon.

And I swear, my absence of late has nothing to do with Pepsi. Seriously. ;)

Thanks for all of the past support, and looking forward to some new discussions!

