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Thanks to the Clinton administration exempting everything except legitimate companies from government oversight, coupled with loosened marijuana laws, the amount of THC in edible marijuana products is completely unregulated. And they are allowed to look like candy and other treats.

It's dangerous.
Can you be charged with murder if you have Monkeypox and spit on someone? How about if you slip some glyphosate into a drink?

You can be charged with anything, the government has an unreasonable amount of power to violate your rights procedurally, but realistically, no. Unless you fall into a vat of glyphosate and drown, it isn't harming you despite what the political science majors at environmental groups claim, and you aren't getting Monkeypox when expectorant goes awry.

Bees may be another issue, if someone can show they have a bee allergy strong enough - not just the anaphylaxis panic that shady companies like Mylan try to instill to get their EpiPens into every store in the world - to be deadly.
Do you rely on autocorrect? I often do, not because I can't spell but because I am not a typist yet look at the screen when I write, rather than the keyboard. Autocorrect is my friend because before I publish it will catch a lot. 

That doesn't mean I misspell words or have poor grammar, it means my giant fingers do poorly on tiny keyboards. Yet a lot of people do misspell words and lack confidence in grammar, as evidenced by an analysis of search terms. People in New York want to make sure they spell "jewelry" correctly Denver wants to make sure "bougie" is not ironically misspelled.
Take note, apes, this is not a Delayed Reveal. Your FOMO should be in overdrive, because Malibu is home to a wellness and fitness lounge and workspace, an NFT outdoor sanctuary to give you comfort when you don't have your shoulder cat nearby; the Rafi Lounge.

The Rafi Lounge is the brainchild of Rafi Anteby, who took a break from making watercolors in Cambodia to transform Academy Awards gift bags from cool SWAG to woke philanthropy opportunities that did very little philanthropy.
The United States Forest Service manages the nation's 154 national forests and 20 national grasslands. That doesn't mean they always do it well. Controlled burns are something that have been done for thousands of years, to prevent wildfires, and they were done primarily by people not paid to do it, so it's baffling that government union employees who have this as their career can't do it properly. And create the wildfires they are meant to prevent.

Twice. Where did they get these government do-nothings? Uvalde?
Today, as the second Monday in October, the U.S. sort of celebrates a holiday. Since the late 1800s, made a federal holiday by Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt in 1937, it has been Columbus Day, after the Italian explorer funded by Spain who set sail for India and stumbled upon the Americas.

I write "sort of" a holiday because federal government union employees get another day off but for kids in California, it is a school day. 
The American Public Health Association (APHA) is a 150-year-old organization open to "any persons interested in public health", if they are willing to fork over $225.

One thing is certain; the organic industry and its client base has money to burn, so it is little surprise that the APHA is hosting a panel by Big Organic's favorite economist, Chuck Benbrook, PhD. Benbrook is executive director of the shadowy(1) action group calling itself the Heartland Health Research Alliance after having been rousted from Washington State University, where he claimed to be a professor. 
Writing in European Scientist, Drs. Samuel Cohen, Penny Fenner-Crisp, Alan Boobis, and Angelo Moretto compare the International Agency for Research on Cancer to the Douglas Adams conservative science-fiction spoof "The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy." The book starts off with out-of-control government that doesn't know why it does things, but using terms like eminent domain, on earth before veering to out-of-control government in space, including a self-appointed centralized research program that is out to discover "the meaning of life, the universe, and everything" - and comes up with the number 42 as the answer. 
The number of people with multiple booster shots versus the original vaccines is marginal - and new survey results may tell us why. I don't recall ever having any issue from a flu vaccine, maybe it is in people's heads, but there are so many stories of increasing side effects with each new COVID-19 booster taken that some are worried that a harmless flu vaccine may get worrisome if taken in conjunction.

I don't know how biologically plausible that is but all bets are off with COVID-19. Prior to 2021, California and other progressive states were way out in front in vaccine denial(1) and that only changed once Republicans didn't want the COVID-19 vaccine.
There is no truly positive thing about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but at least it exposed European hypocrisy when it comes to science. Experts knew most of their energy was coming from Russia, not domestic solar power, and their "organic" food was also labeled such from the east.

Or from countries forced to use an inefficient process or be blocked out of European stores - all so Europe could compete without paying higher subsidies. Former colonies of Europe were banned from sale unless they obeyed Europe when it came to food.
In the 1990s, President Bill Clinton did something for his constituents that had a devastating effect on public trust in science - he exempted the supplements market from real FDA oversight, as long as they wrote in small print that their supernatural claims had not been evaluated by FDA and therefore had no scientific backing.(1)

Supplements are not always garbage, if you have a diagnosed vitamin D deficiency those supplements help you, but most of the time when they do something beneficial, it is only because they contain real medicine illegally. And the "endurance" market, natural supplements claiming to reduce erectile dysfunction, are only ever working when they contain real medicine illegally. 
Environmental groups who spent a lot of time and money promoting a Beepocalypse (and blaming it on a class of modern targeted pesticides called neonicotinoids) are getting really desperate to shore up their campaign.

They have been promoting a 1994 quote from physicist Albert Einstein who worried about the loss of bees.

Einstein died in 1955.

But that is just a detail when the goal is saving Gaia. The ends justify the means and all that. 

“If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left.” 

Wait, what? 
If Product A and Product B are identical in every meaningful way, and Product A is unavailable, is there any reason the government should make it illegal to buy B?

No, but that is government. The Biden administration first created an infant formula shortage by overreacting to contamination in a small batch. Then the president said he didn't know his actions would create a shortage. Then after he was reminded the companies who make formula told him his actions would create a shortage he replied that they knew, but he didn't.
Since 2017, avowed socialist António Guterres has led the United Nations. That means he has led the organization that has never once defended people in Taiwan or Mongolia but defended communist China when it was clear they were the source of the COVID-19 outbreak. 

The UN even did as told when China weirdly said to blame the COVID-19 pandemic on American frozen food. Rather than the Wuhan lab which deleted its coronavirus database after the pandemic raged, scrubbed the nearby Wuhan market clean, and only let UN investigators onsite for four hours, during which they were allowed to ask no questions the Communist Party had not pre-approved.
It is something we have all heard; educated, wealthy people who don't want to have kids, for various reasons. They are letting culture of the future be created by someone else. It is common to be voluntary now but in the past it was not a choice.

Demographers recently looked at the Skellefteå region in northern Sweden (since the work of digitizing population data from the 19th century on had already been done) and had access to 5,850 people and their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, which numbered in the tens of thousands.
Since 2021, journalists and their political allies have been acting like Republicans are anti-vaccine and Democrats have always been the party of science.

Just the opposite was true. Prior to politicization of COVID-19, right-wing religious states like Alabama and Mississippi had nearly 100 percent vaccine uptake while cities like San Francisco, Berkeley, and Los Angeles had so much denial that California had more unvaccinated kids than the rest of America combined. After years of pressure because of the issue, Governor Jerry Brown was forced to sign a law removing those arbitrary exemptions.
Mother’s Touch Formula claims to be all of the stuff that the anti-science community loves; prebiotic, probiotic, Non-GMO, whatever.

The problem is it also claims to be FDA approved, and that is a lie.

Ignore the weird schism in culture that people who buy holistic goopy nonsense think FDA and most science is a Vast Corporate Conspiracy while seeking out scientific legitimacy, this stuff is fraudulent.

From the BBC to Daily Mail, corporate journalism is covering an app that claims to understand what your cat is saying and translate it for you.

If you have used Alexa or Siri, you know those can't even understand English all that well, so you are right to be skeptical they understand cat. But MeowTalk has help. You tell it what you want to believe your cat is saying.

It's like going to a psychic and latching onto any random thing they say - "I feel someone whose name starts with a J in the room" "WOW. I had an uncle named John!" - as affirmation that it is working. 

In chemical and food epidemiology and other fields that rely too heavily on surveys it is this:

Just 6 days after passing a law banning conventional cars, California is asking residents not to use electric ones either. It isn't the first time various parts of the state have undone themselves when faced with reality. 
Lori McClintock, wife of California Congressman Tom McClintock, believed in herbal remedies and has died from dehydration caused by gastroenteritis and whose inflammation was caused by “adverse effects of white mulberry leaf ingestion,” according to the Sacramento County coroner's report. 

Such deaths are considered accidental but if you wouldn't drink and drive on the windy roads of the Pacific Coast Highway, you shouldn't believe in folk medicine, traditional medicine, alternative medicine, complementary medicine, integrative medicine, or whatever else naturopaths and supplement charlatans are calling their dangerous money-making schemes these days.