We will be exploring the scientific perspective of autism: the research, the studies, the medical advancements made in its diagnosis and treatment. But we will also be presenting several articles and posts of a more personal nature. What is life like with autism, both from a parenting and a personal perspective?
Throughout the month in our Featured Articles section, you will see articles discussing all facets of autism. We have several special guest writers that will be joining us this month to share their expertise, passion, and perspective on the disorder. You can review all of the featured articles on our dedicated “Autism Awareness” page that has been created for this event. In addition, on the same page we will post our complete catalog of SB articles that have touched on autism in the past.
Just some of our featured articles include the following, which will explore:
What Causes Autism
Join special guest writer, Irva Hertz-Piccoiotto, an internationally recognized epidemiologist from the UC Davis M.I.N.D. Institute, as she presents her findings on the “Environmental Factors Contributing to Autism.” Our own Andrea Kuszewski explores current medical studies that are underway to better understand autism and its foundations. In addition we will investigate “Does Parental Age Matter?” and the role having children later in life may play in the increasing number of autism diagnoses.
Treating Autism
We will explore the work that Marjorie Solomon at UC Davis is doing with “Social Skills Training,” helping children with autism learn the basics of forming social relationships. We’ll check in with the research Blythe Corbett is performing at her Social Emotional NeuroScience Endocrinology (SENSE) lab in “Autism: Basic Science and Intervention through Art.” We’ll also learn about an alternative PE program designed specifically for children with autism by Valarie Paradiz and Ron Rubio.
Life With Autism
Special guest writer Valarie Paradiz will also share her personal story in “Leaving the Ivory Tower of Asperger Syndrome.” While About.com autism expert Lisa Rudy will share her personal parenting perspectives in her articles on “Authentic Inclusion" and “Passion or Perseveration.” And popular Autism Hub blogger Mom-NOS will join us to share the very touching interaction that took place when she sat down with her son’s classmates to help them better understand what the world looks like when you are a child with autism.
Please join us all month long to read, comment, and contribute to this unique and informative collection of articles and discussions. Feel free to add your own voice as we present personal and scientific perspectives of what is often a misunderstood and misrepresented disorder.
Friday: "Early Autism Diagnosis: The Infant Sibling Study"