"Particle Accelerators Full of Spin and Fury, Signifying Something"
Standard stuff written well. I particularly liked the end:
After some 70 trillion collisions, the Large Hadron Collider has seen no trace of the most popular candidate for such a theory, called supersymmetry, which among other things is needed to explain why whatever mass the Higgs has is low enough to be discovered in the first place and not almost infinite. It also predicts a whole new population of elementary particles — called “superpartners” to the particles physicists already know about — one of which could be the dark matter that pervades the universe. Physicists were predicting a couple years ago that dark matter particles might be the first things discovered at the new collider. “There was so much discovery potential early on for supersymmetry,” said Dr. Cranmer.
But the ace of dark matter has not shown up, leading some physicists to worry that nature has conned them again.