Bonsai are like other special items on the market now they sell them in garden centers and places like Walmart . It is like buying jewelry the better quality you want the better place you shop . You can get a bonsai from a street vendor for $25 . or from a bonsai enthusiast for $2500. or more .
It is like koi the Japanese carp that you can put in your pond they can cost at Walmart $5. or a good pet store $25. the prize koi in Japan can be worth $2500. or more.
Bonsai means in Japanese "tree in a tray or on a slap ,in a pot " . It is not pronounced Bon si but bone zi . During world war 2 the Japanese pilots jumped from their planes they yelled "bonsai" which means (praise to the emperor) . Tree in a tray is bone zi .
Bonsai originally came from China , it was not as much an art form then but was a tree in a pot . Later the Japanese culture used a little more innovation and trained the trees with wire to look more the way they wanted and reflect different natural positions ; cascade,wind swept and several different styles .
In the 50's during the World's fair the Japanese introduced bonsai to the United States . Bonsai had been known in Europe and popular in Italy many years before that .
Just a little information if your not already familiar .