Jonah Goldberg, writing a guest piece in USA Today, tackles what he calls 'the new conservative phrenology' - basically, pseudosciencing up why Democrats are super-smart just for registering to be Democrats and Republicans are not part of the reality-based science community:
"They were born that way."
Instead of old-fashioned calipers, modern pseudoscience uses MRIs, gene sequencers and, of course, surveys of college students to make its case that Republicans are anti-fact. Actual facts need not get in the way of that thesis, either. For example, despite that a study might exclude complexity and ambiguity, for example, it's more fun to declare that Republicans lack to the ability to be complex and ambiguous if they don't identify the letters W or M as well as some Democrats did.
Look for a hit piece calling him a Nazi in return for defying the cult that exists on the fringe of progressive social psychology gobbledy-gook.
Column: Republicans have bad brains? By Jonah Goldberg, USA Today
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