Kepler - Young Earth Creationist

Kepler - Young Earth Creationist - Cosmos took a jab at religion in almost every episode but the writers of the show tend to ignore inconvenient truths, like that Johannes Kepler was a Young Earth Creationist.

Now only was he wrong, he was more wrong than the priest Tyson and Ann Druyan and whoever else chose to make their smarmy pincushion. I've never heard of Dr. Tyson ridiculing Kepler, but he should, if he were being intellectually honest.

Who else was wrong by a long shot on the age of the planet? Lord Kelvin. What should matter is how accurate people tried to be with the information they had - and religion comes out quite well there. To highlight one number by a priest while ignoring a later number by a scientist that was more wrong is a crippling lack of evidence-based thinking.