MADISON, Connecticut, March 14, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --
Results of treating venous stasis ulcers of the lower extremity using the ClariVein(R) catheter were delivered March 13 at the 16th European Vascular Course in Maastricht, The Netherlands.
The ClariVein(R) device combines mechanical and chemical modalities to accomplish vein treatment in an in-office setting. In a video presentation at the conference, Rick V. Bernstein MD FACS of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA discussed case presentations for venous stasis ulcers contraindicated with other treatment modalities.
"My results are very encouraging," Dr. Bernstein stated. "What my patients want is the miserable life of venous ulcers to end and preferably with them having to do as little as possible. In my practice using ClariVein(R) for defiant venous stasis ulcers has been very successful. ClariVein(R) delivers a non-thermal vein ablation that requires no tumescent anesthesia, thus guaranteeing a high degree of patient comfort. There is very limited bruising and no risk of nerve injury. The results are excellent."
The ClariVein(R) catheter is a product of Vascular Insights LLC ( of Madison, CT. The company engages in the design, development, manufacture, and marketing of medical devices for the minimally invasive treatment of peripheral vascular disease.
Contact: Joseph Mullally Director of International Sales Vascular Insights LLC +1-203-446-5709
Vascular Insights LLC