Carbon — to capture or not to capture

This came up on 2nd November 2024 (give or take a day), a broadcaster objecting to a carbon capture...

Betelgeuse, Gamow, and a Big Red Horse

There has been a lot of talk recently of Betelgeuse possibly going supernova this century or not...

Climate Change, the Walrus and the Carpenter

I have recently watched two videos on climate change by Sabine Hossenfelder.  The first one...

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Robert H OlleyRSS Feed of this column.

Until recently, I worked in the Polymer Physics Group of the Physics Department at the University of Reading.

I would describe myself as a Polymer Morphologist. I am not an astronaut,

... Read More »

When I were a lad (ay!) my father suggested that map projections was something I ought to interest myself in.  So I got hold of paper, ruler and pencil, drew a square grid, and then started filling in the outlines of the continents.  What emerged was something like this (maps like this are generated using this wonderful program from Brazil):

Now that wasn’t too good, was it?  Africa doesn’t look too bad, but Greenland’s horribly squashed, isn’t it?  So I borrowed some books from the library, and started to learn about all sorts of different projections.

Will your new year start with a BANG?

Well, it might, if you bring it in with this molecule.  This is trinitramide, a compound newly synthesized at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden.  It has the formula N(NO2)3, and as such is the newest nitrogen oxide to be discovered.

I thought I was going into Christmas recess, but then I saw this:
Graduate students the world over have got to be feeling like slackers right now: A group of 8- to 10-year-old British schoolchildren have published a scientific paper in the peer-reviewed (Royal Society) journal Biology Letters.
Also spricht, not Zarathustra, but Live Science in

8-Year-Olds Publish Scientific Study on Bees

According to a well-known British figure:

... the true meaning of the Christmas story will not be revealed until Easter – or possibly much later.

Now who said that?  Answer at the end of this blog.

I am now preparing to give my brain a little bit of a rest while we ride out Yuletide.  Therefore, I wish all readers:

These fellows were keeping warm in January of this year.  For more meerkats, see also Erdmännchen (Suricata suricatta) im Kölner Zoo - 01

This has recently appeared on Telegraph Blogs, from one of the few sensible authors.

Could someone explain why global warming has to be a disaster?

Could readers please help with a reasonably concise explanation, which I could post within a day or two?

Many thanks in advance.
... India, actually.

Today, Wikipedia flagged up a new article, Coffee production in India, with a interesting piece of history.  Quoting in full from the article: