But a digression first - and a digression on the digression
Yet one thing I will not fail to mention for a starter is that the 750 GeV resonance is indeed gone from LHC data. Whether this is a good-bye or not will depend on how gullible we can prove ourselves to be: the chance that some more data piles up there to make a new significant fluctuation is larger than 50%, as previous data never get erased.
Incidentally here's a fun fact to ponder on: if you keep looking at some effect as you go on collecting data, you are likely to see something significant at some point of time. You might then be tempted to stop data collection there and then, and proceed to publish your "excess". This is called "sampling to a foregone conclusions" and is a different kind of the by now well-known Look Elsewhere Effect. One might conclude that the ways an experimentalist may fool him- or herself are indeed many, and scientific rigor is never enough.
Anyway I will not even bother to paste here the money plots for ATLAS and CMS. In case you have been away during the past ten days or so, please check your twitter or facebook columns and you'll find them in multiple copies.
The Higgs decay to bottom quark pairs
So now let's move to more serious things. One thing I really want to see in the new data is a first clear signal of H->bb decays - a personal bias due to having worked with heavy resonances decaying into final states with b-jets in my early career (the first all-hadronic top signal, and then the Z->bb process, both in CDF data).
As you might recall, the Higgs boson couples to fermions with a strength proportional to the fermion mass. This makes the H->bb decay the most probable one (the decay H->tt, where by tt I mean a top-antitop quark pair, is forbidden because the Higgs boson weighs much less than two tops), with a predicted branching fraction of 58%.
Indeed, by fitting together all Run 1 data, ATLAS and CMS could already extract information on the bbH vertex. This tells us that yes, the coupling of the Higgs to bottom quarks should more or less be in line with what we expect. But a bump is a bump, and until I see a bump I don't believe nothin'... Also when I see one, as some of you I think by now reckon!
So let me show some of what was seen in searches involving the decay H->bb. CMS for example sought for a process whereby the Higgs boson is produced together with two forward-going jets. This is called "vector-boson fusion" and it is a very peculiar process. Indeed, when you collide protons you don't expect that the scene is stolen by a pair of W bosons, but that's precisely what happens in VBF Higgs production: each proton emits a W boson, and it is those two particles that actually collide, creating a Higgs.
ATLAS also made many different searches sensitive to the H->bb decay. Those where the Higgs boson is produced in association with a W or Z boson (which provides good triggering leptons, allowing an efficient collection of the events) returned a signal which is however much smaller than what the SM predicts. But this is of course only due to the fact that the data is as of yet insufficient for a definitive measurement of the processes. You can see the ATLAS results below, where the combined signal strength of the WH and ZH channels is found at 0.2+-0.5 (i.e., fully compatible with zero, or with 1, or with anything in between).
Instead I was very pleased to see ATLAS show results of a search in another channel, a rare one which I had considered many years ago with a PhD student. In 2007 we decided that it was not worth spending our time in it, because of its rarity in the Standard Model. The process is a vector boson fusion-induced production of a Higgs boson and a energetic photon. The Higgs can then be sought in decays to bottom-antibottom pairs and the photon provides additional triggering possibilities with respect to those offered by the forward jets. The production diagram is shown on the left.
ttH, with H->bb - a tough beast to tame
Finally, another analysis I entertained myself with a long time ago (when we had no data yet!) is the search for the associated production of top quark pairs and a Higgs boson, with the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of bottom quarks. This search is very complicated because of the large QCD backgrounds (mostly top pairs plus b quark pairs). ATLAS did very well and they are now seeing some small signal there, as shown in the distribution of their multivariate discriminant (see below). Their fit gives a signal strength equal to 2+-1 times the SM prediction, so we are starting to measure this process even in the difficult H->bb final state (other decay modes of the Higgs are also exploited for the ttH search, but let's not discuss them here).
In conclusion, the H->bb signal is still not conclusively observed by the LHC experiments, but it is only a matter of time. And of course, dedication! There are in fact dozens of different search channels and it is their combination that will give the first branching fraction measurement that can stand on its own feet. So stay tuned if you are interested in this process, as 2016 data is continuing to accumulate. I think this will get very interesting by the time we get to the 2017 winter conferences!