Now Peter Woit, whose blog was the original recipient of the ATLAS leak, informs us that CMS appears to have leaked information to New Scientist, in the form of a internal document "shown" to them. I have no comment whatsoever on this - as you know I am a member of CMS so I am quite unwilling to diffuse internal information from the experiment.
What I can write here, though, is my own reaction to this. I think that the New Scientist reporter made this up. Yep, that's what I think, and I challenge him to prove otherwise. And let me stop here, lest I get kicked out of CMS for no reason at all.
UPDATE: in the comments thread (see below) the NS editor Valerie Jamieson gives more detail on the CMS leak, making the story more credible. I do not think any longer that the NS reporter made this up, but they did make it look like they received a paper draft (they deceptively write "The internal CMS document has not been released to the public" in their piece: now they themselves know well that powerpoint slides shown at a working group never get released), while they now say it's a set of slides. So they were imprecise, and they should only blame themselves for this...