- Chronic Ear Infections May Have Wiped Out Neanderthals
Anthropologists have long speculated about why neanderthals while Homo sapiens thrived? Was it some sort of plague specific only to Neanderthals? A cataclysmic event in their homelands? A new paper in Anatomical Record posits that it was not some exotic pa ...
Article - News Staff - Sep 19 2019 - 8:00am
- Bottle Feeding Babies Has Been Done For 7,000 Years
Though a modern naturalism movement has tried to shame mothers who don't, won't, or can't breastfeed, using bottles of animal milk- the prehistoric version of formula- turns out to be an ancient tradition. Infant feeding vessels made of clay ...
Article - News Staff - Sep 25 2019 - 4:42pm
- Celebrity Mementos Are Modern Day Holy Relics
In 2006, a tiny brown pebble, equivalent to a raisin, sold at auction for $25,000. This inconsequential artifact was, in fact, William Shatner’s kidney stone. The US actor had persuaded doctors to return the grisly relic to him following surgery, so he co ...
Article - News Staff - Sep 30 2019 - 3:10pm
- Ideal Housewife Imagery Disappeared In The 21st Century- Until Paid Influencers Brought It Back
The imagery of the ideal housewife was just what it reads like, a convention fabricated by male-dominated urban advertising executives to sell stuff. Because it was an ideal, some women adopted it, and some men wanted it, and therefore it grew, but it larg ...
Article - News Staff - Oct 3 2019 - 5:33pm
- People Eat More With Friends And Family- Here's Why
People eat more with friends and family than when dining alone and evolutionary psychologists have defied Occam's razor and come up with an unne ...
Article - News Staff - Oct 5 2019 - 10:19am
- Oxen Were The Robots Taking Human Jobs 7,000 Years Ago- And They Created Economic Inequality
Though there is far less economic inequality in America than at any point in history- poor people in America live in more square footage per person than the middle class in France, not to mention the low cost of food, TVs, and cell phones- there is a longi ...
Article - News Staff - Oct 8 2019 - 2:26pm
- The Most Violent Era In America Was Before Europeans Arrived
There's a mythology about the native Americans, that they were all peaceful and in harmony with nature- it's easy to create narratives when there is no written record. But archeology keeps its own history and a new paper finds that the 20th cent ...
Article - News Staff - Oct 15 2019 - 11:56am
- New Theories On Why Cherokee Society Collapsed
By 1763, the world of Cherokee Indians in the Southeastern U.S. was in tatters. The French and Indian War had wracked the sprawling Cherokee settlements that stretched from the headwaters of the Savannah River in South Carolina and Georgia to the Overhills ...
Article - News Staff - Oct 15 2019 - 11:58am
- Glue Isn’t Proof Of Neanderthal Intelligence- It Was Easy To Make
It was easy to make a strong adhesive in the Stone Age so claims about the presence of glue 50,000 years ago meaning higher intelligence for "Neanderthals" don't stick very well. Neanderthals and other early humans produced a tarry glue from ...
Article - News Staff - Oct 22 2019 - 2:51pm
- The Salem Witch Trials Targeted Women- Here's Why
“Witch hunt” – it’s a refrain used to deride everything from impeachment inquiries and sexual assault investigations to allegations of corruption. ...
Article - The Conversation - Oct 25 2019 - 10:13am