Does Learning A Foreign Language...
Getting To The Heart Of The Coronavirus Pandemic
A Million-Year-Old Mammoth May Hold The Key To...
First Nation Shell Middens And True Oysters
The Thorny Problem Of COVID-19 Vaccines And Spike...
Neural tube defects affect more than 300,000 babies born around the world each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Neural tube defects, including anencephaly and spina bifida, are caused by the incomplete closure or development of the spine and skull. Using dogs as a model>
Ronald Fisher, evolutionary biologist and statistician who introduced the method of maximum likelihood and the fiducial interval into life sciences, said basically that the more complex a plant or animal is, the more difficulty it should have adapting to changes in the environment. But there are well-adapted, complex>
While many people may not be explicitly familiar with Koch's Postulates, they are generally viewed as a type of "common sense" when it comes to pathogens.  Briefly the postulates consist of four criteria.1.  The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but should>
Charles Darwin described a canid on the Falkland Islands, off the east coast of Argentina, but it has long been extinct.  Darwin called it Canis antarcticus, placing it in the same genus as the domestic dog, wolf and coyoteSince then, biologists have also puzzled over the Falklands wolf's ancestry, with suggestions>
Traditionally, scientists believed that nicotine inhaled in a puff of cigarette smoke took a mere seven seconds to be taken up by the brain, but new evidence indicates that nicotine takes much longer to reach peak levels in the brains of cigarette smokers, according to a new study in PNAS.Using PET imaging, Duke investigators>