How Scientific Fraud Became EU Law
What Will It Take For Real Farming In Space?
More Efficient Solar Panels On The Horizon
EPA Finally Ends Regulation By 'Secret Sauce'
Encounters With Giant Sharks In The Arctic
AbstractThe banning of plastic bags may not be the salvation of the environment, but it could be a useful way to begin reducing waste pollution. Plastic bags:-  are one of the plastic products produced in the greater numbers, and one of the products most commonly dispersed in the environment;-  have a slow>
Biofuels - ethanol - were trumpeted as being a renewable alternative to fossil fuels for decades. Finally, in 2005, it got the mandates and subsidies environmentalists insisted were necessary to make inroads against a mature industry like petroleum.Immediately, what scientists knew became evident - they were more>
Antarctica’s fourth largest ice shelf, the Larsen C Ice Shelf located on the Antarctic Peninsula, risks collapse due to mountain winds, according to a recent presentation at annual meeting of the European Geophysical Union.>
A new fossil hominid species has been discovered in the site of Woranso-Mille in the central region of Afar, in Ethiopia.The new species is named Australopithecus deyiremeda and consists of the upper and  lower jaws and a collection of teeth in the sites of Burtele and Wayteleyta, in Woranso-Mille, in the central>
Dating can be a difficult task, a daunting challenge for men and women the world over. It becomes especially difficult when what you're trying to date is extremely ancient. I'm not talking about romantic dates with seniors though, I don't have many tips there I'm afraid, although good personal hygiene and being a>
Right now we have a tandem situation. Jason-1 and Jason-2 are flying in tandem above our heads. Sounds like fun perhaps, but who cares? And who are Jason and what's with the numbers, anyways?>