Greenpeace is facing bankruptcy after a $667,000,000 judgment. For the first time ever, the number of U.S. federal employees declined. Democrats have begun to consider they might be wrongly defending terrorists. They even became pro-vaccine for the first time this century. 

The best thing President Donald Trump may have done for science and political sanity is to switch from Democrat to Republican and bring Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Elon Musk along with him. It forced Democrats, who are nearly 90% of career government employees, to suddenly defend things they had opposed for decades.(1)

Like nuclear energy. Which means we could usher in a new Golden Age of Science.

The cell phones that existed when President Bill Clinton, the apex of anti-science Boomer control, banned nuclear energy in the United States. Imagine if our scientists and engineers had been allowed to do for nuclear what they did for cell phones. 4th gen reactors, 0% chance of harm. Instead, we have ugly solar that only helps rich people. 

When climate science was still science and not calls for social justice and 1970s world government , Dr. James Hansen, the Godfather of Global Warming, said the only thing that needed to happen was for legacy coal plant technologies to be modernized with Clean Coal technology. Technology that already existed.

Instead, President Obama shocked the science community by instead boosting solar energy funding, which had only been a few hundred million dollars when he took office, primarily for basic research because it still wasn't viable, and mandating existing technology that hadn't improved in any meaningful way in 50 years.

It was destined to fail, everyone knew it except donors who were lining up to get their share of the $4 trillion in mandates and subsidies that the federal government was pushing out.(2) To-date, their efforts have changed the share of conventional energy by 0.1%. Meanwhile, because of policies created by Obama and continued by Biden, the World Bank has been banned from providing centralized energy to poor countries. Unless they put in solar or wind.

Two presidents declared that 2 billion poor people burning wood and dung for fuel in their homes could not get centralized energy unless it was their definition of 'green'. Which meant not Clean Coal, what James Hansen knew would work far better than 2,000,000,000 emitting greenhouse gases, and not nuclear. The World Bank has banned loans for nuclear plants since the 1950s.

Welcome to Boomer Environmentalism and its 60-year dominance of the left in western countries.

In the last few decades, Boomer Environmentalists have dominated western government policy. Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defense Council, even overt homages to Lenin like Earth Day have gotten generous financial support despite their opposition to science sanity.

For the $9 trillion the world has squandered on alternatives to energy, the entire world could have had affordable, clean energy built. Instead, we have emissions continuing to rise and Europe castrated by Russia when it comes to Ukraine because they still need $2 billion per month in Russian energy to keep heat in the winter.

With Biden no longer in office, Germany lying less about how well solar works to its citizens, and countries in Europe going back to viable energy, the World Bank head feels some hope. President Ajay Banga stated he would like to lift their ban on funding nuclear next year

That means billions of people, from Africa to southeast Asia, could get help. With Clean Coal 20 years ago, we'd be fine today, whether people reflexively declare Professor Hansen doesn't understand climate change or not, but with nuclear not only will we be fine, energy would finally be a commodity no one has to think about. 

That means food will become more affordable, which means culture will flourish in places where existence is now hard.

The End of Boomer Environmentalism will bring prosperity that people of the 1940s assumed we would have by now, if we didn't do stupid things like insist on political solutions to science problems.

Banga said what he said at considerable professional risk. Anti-science groups still hold a great deal of control over the governments that control the World Bank. But the tide is turning toward science again, and that means nuclear will get a fresh look without the activist blinders in place. Once nuclear is no longer banned, agricultural science will have its bans lifted also.

That's real progress.


(1) And they have turned on things they had endorsed, like Teslas. Progressive vandals have taken a break from shooting healthcare CEOs in the back of the head - where costs have skyrocketed thanks to the Affordable Care Act progressives demanded - and started burning electric cars. Which are overwhelmingly owned by other progressives, mostly women in California.

(2) Government has raised electricity costs in California by 100% over the last decade - prices are set by government in California - and will raise rates again this year, because solar does not work, but the state irrationally forces utilities to 'buy solar from customers' at the same rate they sell it. To be able to afford utility infrastructure and union employees, they get handed higher rates by the state government, and those rates are most harmful to the poor. There is no reason senior citizens on fixed incomes should be forced to subsidize $1,000,000 solar installations in Malibu, but that is the case.