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Correlation: Sitting Is Bad For Your Health And Exercise Won't Help

Advances in technology in recent decades have obviated the need and desire for humans to move....

It's About Calories, So Kimchi Is Not A Weight Loss Superfood - But You May Eat Less

Fermented foods have become popular in recent years, partly due to their perceived health benefits....

Beekeepers Are Wrong About Overwinter Hive Behavior

Honeybees in man-made hives may have been suffering the cold unnecessarily for over a century because...

Why Does Anyone Still Search For The Loch Ness Monster?

Hugh Gray was taking his usual post-church walk around Loch Ness in Scotland on a November Sunday...

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By Mark Beeson, Murdoch University

Like him or loathe him, the late Samuel Huntington was one of the towering figures in political science and international relations. Even those who disagreed with his ideas were forced to engage with them. He helped shape a number of key debates about areas as diverse as civil-military relations, political order, institutional development and the spread of democracy.

But if there is one ‘big idea’ for which he is likely to be remembered more than any other it is the now infamous claim that the future was going to be defined by a looming ‘clash of civilizations’.

By Raquel Vaquer-Sunyer, Lund University

The world’s oceans are plagued with the problem of “dead zones”, areas of high nutrients (such as nitrogen and phosphorus) in which plankton blooms cause a major reduction of oxygen levels in the water. Sea creatures need oxygen to breathe just as we do, and if oxygen levels fall low enough marine animals can suffocate. This commonly happens around coastlines where fertilisers are washed from fields into rivers and the sea, but also mid-ocean, where currents trap waters in gyres (large systems of rotating ocean currents).

A 13th century bishop’s theory about the formation of the universe has intriguing parallels with the theory of multiple universes. This was uncovered by the the Ordered Universe project at Durham University, which has brought together researchers from humanities and the sciences in a radically collaborative way.