Asteroid 2024 YR4: A 2032 Threat? Not on Our Watch

Back in December 2024, astronomers caught wind of something unusual—a small, fast-moving rock...

No, Trump’s Executive Orders Can’t Cancel Your Rights.

Donald Trump does not have the power to rescind either constitutional amendments or federal laws...

The Sublime Idiocracy Of the 2024 Drone Panic. 99.99% Chance They Are Just Planes And Stars.

The "drone panic" of 2024 easily claims the title of the most absurd astronomy and physics-related...

Putting Einstein To The Test With LISA. A Space Based Gravitational Wave Telescope

The recent video, "How LISA Will Listen to the Symphony of the Universe," provides a compelling...

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My research focuses on astrophysics from massive star formation to astroparticle physics. Born and raised in Chicagoland I have lived in Bellwood, IL since 1984 and attended public schools here... Read More »

The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer has found is that there are interesting features in the cosmic ray background which could indicate dark matter particle anti particle annihilations.  That is not the same as finding dark matter.   The ANTARES neutrino telescope was used to take observations of the solar neutrino flux with directionality, which found no excess of neutrinos from the sun  (  That would have indicated dark matter concentrated at the center of mass of our solar system.   Taken together these results indicate that many of our assumptions on the nature of dark matter are wrong.
A ground breaking paper has been published in the journal of comparative irrelevance which shows the Lambda CDM model is wrong.  It's all in the numbers..
This theory explains everything better than LCDM.

From the perspective of one theoretical particle physicist Planck found far from "nothing". The ESA's Planck probe largely corroborates the findings of NASA's WMAP probe, but it leaves theoretical astrophysics unsettled. After reading my fellow blogger Dr. Tommaso Dorigo's coverage of the Planck announcement I was unsure how to react. We can only conclude that the Planck mission has largely confirmed WMAP's results. Just this kind of confirmation is a basic step in the scientific method.

The technical details of Big Bang, inflationary cosmology, and selected alternative theories are on offer.  Popular accounts of the big bang theory, cosmic inflation, and the creation of the universe often leave out details a consumer of science would like to know.  Scholarly monographs published the old fashioned way can cost hundreds of dollars per copy, and too often are locked away in university libraries.  For general public availability, I present my monograph on the cosmology of the early universe.

With the Surface Pro Microsoft has made a statement on what a PC should be for the next five to ten years.   Rather than fading away the PC will become thin, lite, and easy to use while retaining the flexibility that has always been the hallmark of the personal computer.   That said, Surface Pro is not perfect for all uses.  These are my impressions after spending a week with the Microsoft Surface Pro 64 GB. 


Certain media sources have with the announcement of a possible black hole 26,000 light years away at W49B, mentioned the possibility of a wormhole. (I'm looking at you LA Times.) As a fan of many sci-fi programs which featured some variety of wormhole, I would welcome that. As a student of actual physics I don't think that such a thing can exist based on everything we think we know about black holes and quantum mechanics.