Cancer Research
- Brain Tumor Vaccine Trial Shows Promising Results
A vaccine for treating a recurrent cancer of the central nervous system that occurs primarily in the brain has shown promise in preliminary data from a clinical trial at the University of California, San Francisco. Known as a glioma, this cancerous tumor ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 16 2007 - 9:50am
- Queer As Fish: Estrogen In Pittsburgh Rivers
There's a lot of "Can X make you gay?" articles being written these days. This fellow says soy is making you gay and even the New York Times wonders if you have a gay car. Now a study from the University of Pittsburgh says that fish from Pi ...
Article - Cash Simpson - Apr 17 2007 - 1:10pm
- Eur-eek!-a! They Have Found It!
Eur-eek!-a, they have found it! Los Angeles: Just a short dispatch from the press room of the annual convention of the American Association for Cancer Research, which is celebrating its centennial this year. Considering the scale of the gathering--it fill ...
Article - Greg Critser - Apr 17 2007 - 4:15pm
- Eat Your Broccoli; Certain Vegetables Fight Cancer
Chemicals in cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, watercress, cabbage and cauliflower, appear to not only stop human prostate cancer cells from growing in mice but also may cut off the formation of blood vessels that "feed" tumors, says a U ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 17 2007 - 5:33pm
- Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs May Help Women With Breast Cancer
Using Chinese herbs either alone or in conjunction with chemotherapy may help protect a breast cancer patient's bone marrow and immune system, as well as improving the woman's overall quality of life. Sixty per cent of women undergoing chemother ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 22 2007 - 1:18am
- Yale Study: If You Smoke, You Probably Drink Too Much Also
Where there is cigarette smoking there is probably misuse of alcohol too, according to a study by Yale School of Medicine researchers in the Archives of Internal Medicine. "This means cigarette smoking status can be used as a clinical indicator for a ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 18 2007 - 4:55pm
- Drink Strawberry Daiquiris, Get Healthy
Strawberries are good for you, but serving them in daiquiri form may make them even healthier, scientists show. While exploring ways to help keep strawberries fresh during storage, researchers from Thailand and the US discovered that treating the berries ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 19 2007 - 9:09pm
- Knocking Out Survival Protein Could Aid Leukemia Treatment
An effective way to fight leukemia might be to knock out a specific protein that protects cancer cells from dying, a new study shows. The findings suggest that a drug that can block this "survival protein" might on its own be an effective therap ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 22 2007 - 12:44pm
- Why Bladder Cancer Hits More Men
Scientists have discovered one of the reasons why bladder cancer is so much more prevalent in men than women: A molecular receptor or protein that is much more active in men than women plays a role in the development of the disease. The finding could open ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 22 2007 - 4:08pm
- Nanotechnology To Make Organs Self-healing
Imagine a world where damaged organs in your body—kidneys, liver, heart—can be stimulated to heal themselves. Envision people tragically paralyzed whose injured spinal cords can be repaired. Think about individuals suffering from the debilitating effects ...
Article - News Staff - Apr 23 2007 - 12:39am