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H1N1 Vaccine: Examining Benefits Vs. Risk For Individuals

The CDC has released 3.4 million doses of the H1N1,or swine flu,vaccine, which will be distributed...

HIV Halted By Plants

HIV/AIDS has been one of the most devastating diseases of the twenty first century. Since the discovery...

Genetic Fitness - Biological Bias, Not Societal, Explains Promiscuous Men And Chaste Women

In general, science is like an episode of "LOST"; one question gets answered but that answer raises...

HIV Vaccine From Gene Therapy?

HIV/AIDS has left its mark on mankind.   Millions of people have been lost to a disease that seems...

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I am a current graduate student at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. I write for Neon Tommy, a digital news website, as a science writer. My undergraduate degree is from the... Read More »

Feeling down? Wondering how to cheer up? Well perhaps all you have to do is sing a song. Hey, it works for birds.

Researchers at the RIKEN Brain Science Institute in Japan have recently uncovered a breakthrough in animal behavior. In their recent study, they concluded that singing by male birds to attract females stimulates reward centers in their brains, reinforcing their behavior. In essence, singing for mates makes male birds really happy.

If you’re thinking about which hybrid vehicle to purchase, now that gas prices have dictated that you replace your Hummer, consider a vehicle that will not only eliminate high spending at the gas pump, but also your time spent in traffic. Wouldn’t you rather fly above the endless traffic jams in your very own ethanol-fueled flying car? I know I would.

Science fiction, right? Guess again. Welcome to Moller Int., a small company nestled in the unassuming city of Davis, CA, where they are making this science fantasy into cold hard reality via the M400 Skycar, a 'volantor' sky vehicle. Volantor refers to the capability of a vertical takeoff and landing as well as its quick and agile flight.

Dr. Paul Moller, company founder, Chairman of the Board and also the company’s President and Chief Executive Officer has, needless to say, invested his entire being into his vision. With a masters degree in Engineering and a Ph.D. in Aerodynamics, Moller’s dream, since his first helicopter designs at the age of 15, has been to create viable flight vehicles for the general public. His realization of that dream became the Skycar.

I am obsessed with CSI (excluding CSI Miami, David Caruso is just too smarmy). I simply can’t help it. I will watch an episode of CSI that I have already seen twice, just for the thrill of seeing the cases unfold. I even downloaded the entire first season of CSI and watched every single episode, back to back, without sleeping. I know that I am not alone. Shows like CSI have swept the nation due partly to its drama, but also to its science. The fact that a single hair, nail or swath of skin could yield a lead on a case is captivating. It is also true.

Granted shows like CSI sensationalize the lab work and results yielded by forensic science, but its basis is accurate. DNA profiling is one of the most valuable tools used by law enforcement and in fact does help to solve cases.

A new method of treatment could mean a dramatic difference in the way we look at and treat lung cancer. Developed over the past decade, a team of researchers at Allegheny General Hospital (AGH) in Pittsburgh has developed a new technique using a mesh of radioactive 'seeds' that is generating significant results.

According to the American Cancer Society (ACS) lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths for both men and women. Deaths from lung cancer exceed those from breast, prostate and colon cancers combined. In 2008 the ACS estimates 162,000 lung cancer deaths in the United States. Currently, after a diagnosis of lung cancer only about 40 percent of people remain alive after the first year.
Roses (genus Rosa) encompass over 100 known species. Cultivated for their fragrance and beauty, roses historically have been the center of much praise. Poets have dedicated odes to their beauty,  they have been desired by centuries of gardeners and are one of the most universal symbols, often representing love and life. As the phrase goes, sometimes you do have to “stop and smell the roses.”

Although you may think that this is just a fancy way of saying take some time to enjoy life, perhaps we have dismissed roses for too long. Seriously, you should pay more attention to those roses. They could greatly improve your life. That is, if you are one of the millions of people in the US who suffer from arthritis diseases such as Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Results from two different arthritis studies have confirmed that an active ingredient of rose hips has been shown to protect and possibly rebuild joint tissue broken down by arthritis. The latest results, presented at the Osteoarthritis Research Society International (ORSI) World Conference in Rome, explained the mechanism of protein GOPO(R) found in rose hips. This extract, has demonstrated the ability to protect vulnerable cartilage and possibly stimulate its regeneration. GOPO(R) has also been shown to improve mood, increased energy and sleep quality of those affected by arthritis.

 pink rose

Imagine waking up but not being able to get out of bed. One day you are enjoying life to the fullest, but within a couple of years, you cannot walk unassisted.  You lose track of where you are and what you are doing while your muscles refuse to cooperate with your brain.

This is a likely scenario if you are one of the millions of people worldwide that suffer from Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Characterized by the destruction of insulation (myelin) around the nervous system, MS is one of the world’s most debilitating diseases.