You may wonder why this blog post is late, given it's title, but considering that it was 11/11/11 here ALL DAY LONG; things were serious.  It should be obvious that there is a clear connection to the Mayan apocalypse and this was my first opportunity for a bonafide operational test of my  "Apocalypse Now" Bunker 1.  Well, perhaps "bunker" is too strong a description, so perhaps I can just say it's a rather well-built room.   OK, I don't actually know how well-built it is, but its comfortable and has a TV with my remote.

I had plenty of coffee on hand, so I figured I was prepared for anything the day could throw at me.  

So, what happened?  That's the unusual part, because it appears that nothing happened, which shows just how insidious the apocalypse is going to be.  Imagine how devilish such forces must be to conspire to create such a significant day and then pretend as if nothing were going to happen.  I think, it's a ploy intended to simply lull one into a sense of complacency, so that when Dec. 21, 2012 hits, it will be all the more dramatic.

However, I suddenly realized that the connection was confused only because I failed to recognize the significance of the date.  It wasn't just 11/11/11.  It was actually a coded message from the future.  It was really 0011 1111 which is equalivent to 63.  Now what makes this significant is that if I divide this by 3 (marking 3 near catastrophic events this year), I get the number 21 which is .... wait for it ... the date in December that the Mayans predicted.

It all just fits together, so it's hard to see how I could've missed it.  I suddenly realized that perhaps the Mayan date could be similarly interpreted so I examined 12/21/12 in octal and sure enough it produced:  42058.  Using this number I divided it by 1001.38 [which is October 1, 1938 2].  Suddenly everything became clear because the answer I got was 42, which was clearly prophesied by Douglas Adams as being the secret to Life, The Universe, and Everything.


1 No relation to the movie, but it just sounds good.  

2 This is the date the quote "I believe it is peace for our time," originated by Mr. Chamberlain.  A clear message that is meant to distract from our approaching doom.