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Gym Paradox: People Want To Get Healthier But Until They're Healthier Don't Feel Comfortable

Gym Bro, Curl Gurl, Gym Rat if you choose not to identify as any gender - everyone knows what it...

Two Fewer Almonds: That's All You Need To Prevent Weight Gain

When people see labels or menus listing the calories in their food, it doesn't change their consumption...

Vaccinate Plants Against Insects And Disease

Science is always looking for new ways to protect plants and the environment. In Hawaii, for example...

Brits Associate Accents With Crime But Trust Scottish Accents Most

With Burns Night this weekend,  Scotland will celebrate its heritage. In the First Among Equals...

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I founded Science 2.0® in 2006 and since then it has become the world's largest independent science communications site, with over 300,000,000 direct readers and reach approaching one billion. Read More »

Artificial Intelligence - AI - isn't really AI at all, which may be why it has been so disappointing to companies that aren't trying to sell you a new leaf blower. Instead of doing something practical, like the dishes or laundry so you have more time to do art or music, AI is doing music and art for you.

Basically, it's an over-hyped grift.
Is glyphosate damaging essential microbes in soil? A multi-year study sought to answer the question using real-world conditions.

Glyphosate (e.g Roundup) is the most popular weedkiller in the world, and that has made it a target for some disreputable competitors, primarily those in the organic food segment, who promote their own chemicals as alternatives. Their chemicals, they claim, don't harm soil but glyphosate does.
Most people who try a diet don't succeed in keeping weight off long-term and that is trumpeted as a huge failure of dieting by people who, wait for it, are often selling a competing diet.

The health truth is that even if you fail, you improved your health. Claims that people whose weight go up and down are dying earlier are just the same bad epidemiology that has journalists lamenting that International Agency for Research on Cancer activists claim pickle juice and aloe vera cause cancer.(1)
You're not  a Frank-people because you eat Doritos, despite what people writing lifestyle/diet books and New York Times journalists who gush over them want you to believe.

Such claims are pure food populism by rich white people for rich white people. It's not science, it's instead not even right enough to be wrong.
If the government promises every home a great gardener, most people recognize they won't get a great gardener at all, they will probably get someone who couldn't get a better job while the lawn service they used to use is priced out of reach.

There has always been disparity in health care, but that was aggravated when President Franklin Roosevelt instituted wage caps during World War II. Companies who wanted to compete for quality workers could no longer offer more money so they offered "benefits." Like health insurance. 
After Chris Wild took over the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a UN-funded body in France that looks for statistical links between food/chemicals and cancer, they made a switch in their policies regarding participation; an epidemiologist who had ever consulted for industry could no longer vote on what to label a carcinogen.

Even though it was hypocritical - epidemiologists working for trial lawyers or environmental groups were recruited - few inside IARC objected. Nor did anyone think they might. Environmental groups have manufactured an ethical halo so well that even their lawyers look like better people than other lawyers. They are, they assure us, poorly paid evangelists for health and safety against Evil Corporations.