
LOFAR: A New Era In Radio Astronomy

With the press of a button, yesterday Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands activated LOFAR and started the recording of its first official image. LOFAR (LOw Frequency ARray) is by all standards a big radio telescope. Centered in the North East of the Netherlan ...

Article - Johannes Koelman - Jun 13 2010 - 4:13pm

Interested In A Blind Date, Rosetta? We Know This Asteroid Named Lutetia...

Lutetia is a large, primitive asteroid left on the shelf for billions of years, presumably because no planet consumed it as the Solar System formed.  Most measurements affirm this, making the asteroid out to be a 'C-type', which contains primitiv ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 15 2010 - 5:35pm

South Korea Fails to Launch Space Rocket

South Korea Fails to Launch Space Rocket The's second attempt to launch its first space rocket has failed. Minister of Education, Science and Technology Ahn Byung-man announced in a briefing on Thursday that the Naro space rocket was functioning norm ...

Blog Post - Anonymous - Jun 17 2010 - 4:03pm

L1448-IRS2E: A Star Is Born

Astronomers have glimpsed what could be the youngest known star at the very moment it is being born-so young it can hardly be considered a true star because it is in the earliest stages of star formation and has just begun pulling in matter from a surround ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 17 2010 - 5:05pm

Universal Transversal Oscillations- Music From The Sun

High-resolution images show that the solar corona is filled with large, banana-shaped magnetic structures called coronal loops. It is thought that these coronal loops, some over a few 100,000 km long, play a fundamental role in governing the physics of the ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 21 2010 - 11:47am

Rocket Scientist Or Supervillian?


Article - Project Calliope - Jun 25 2010 - 4:18pm

Your Next Clock Could Be A Pulsar

An international team of scientists say a new  technique could turn pulsars into superbly accurate time-keepers. A pulsar is the spinning, collapsed core of a massive star that ended in a supernova explosion and was first discovered in 1967.   A pulsar we ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 24 2010 - 3:52pm

Cosmic Collision Fires Up Quasar SDSS J0123+00

Using two of the world’s largest telescopes, the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile and the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) on La Palma in the Canary Islands, an international team of astronomers have found evidence of a collision between galaxies driving ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 26 2010 - 9:20am

Retro Space Tourism

Ever wonder what the future of space tourism will be? This series of posters (from the same collection as last week's spaceport illo) in neo-retro style clearly presents your options. ...

Article - Alex "Sandy" Antunes - Jul 2 2010 - 12:00pm

Galactus vs NASA

Just a quickie here. So I'm reading a comic book, Marvel's "Ultimate Galactus". In it, a godlike being named (in Kree... not Cree, but Kree) Gah Lak Tus is attacking the Earth, sending superpowered agents to destroy our only rocket by w ...

Blog Post - Alex "Sandy" Antunes - Jul 9 2010 - 12:02pm