
Woman Owns The Sun, Asks You To Pay Up

While everyone panicked about NASA's arsenic announcement, TechDirt informs us that a TechDirt   brings word that "Woman Claims Legal Loophole Means She Now Owns The Sun... ...

Article - Project Calliope - Dec 3 2010 - 4:51pm

DIY Satellite Builder's Guide, V0.5

I sat down and started writing a column on Sonification for today, then I realized I'd already written that piece-- several months ago. Whoops. So instead, I've built an index of the Project Calliope columns by topic, so you can read the full sto ...

Article - Project Calliope - Dec 7 2010 - 2:20pm

HR 8799 Planetary System Gets A Fourth Planet- And Starts To Look Like Our Solar System

A new fourth planet (known as HR 8799e) which orbits a bright star called HR 8799 some 129 light years from Earth (faintly visible to the naked eye) has been discovered, making it the fourth giant planet found outside our solar system. Our four giant plane ...

Article - News Staff - Dec 8 2010 - 8:23pm

Featured on Universe Today

There's an interview of me up on UniverseToday today.  Interviewer Nancy Atkinson chose some really nice quotes, which of course make me sound much smarter and more clueful than I really am.  So I call it a win!  And no one will know better, mwah ha h ...

Blog Post - Project Calliope - Dec 14 2010 - 12:14pm

In Time For Christmas, A Celestial Ornament

SNR B0509-67.5 (or SNR 0509 for short) appears to float serenely in the depths of space, but this apparent calm hides an inner turmoil. The gaseous envelope formed as the expanding blast wave and ejected material from a supernova tore through the nearby in ...

Article - News Staff - Dec 14 2010 - 5:02pm

Winter Is Coming- And So Is Its First Lunar Eclipse Since 1554 AD

If you're in one of the areas of the world blanketed by snow, it probably feels like winter is already here- the cold weather has NPR pundits in such a panic they are claiming the snow is worse than global warming because it means (to them) that the c ...

Article - News Staff - Dec 19 2010 - 10:20am

Where to see the Lunar Eclipse if it's cloudy

Where can one see the lunar eclipse online or at a viewing party.  Here are a couple of options and how to find out. The best option would be to watch the eclipse online via NASA's live feed  of the eclipse from Huntsville Alabama. Which I have embedd ...

Blog Post - Hontas Farmer - Dec 20 2010 - 10:07pm

Why The Moon Looks Red During A Lunar Eclipse

As we noted a few times this month, a lunar eclipse is happening soon and while lunar eclipses occur twice a year, this is the first time on the Winter Solstice since 1554 A.D.    The second most popular question we get about lunar eclipses (First being & ...

Article - News Staff - Dec 20 2010 - 8:13pm

NASA Xmas Presents To You

Given all the NASA funding, you think we'd get something from it!  Oh, wait, we do.  SpaceRef pointed me to the NASA SpinOff 2010 report.  What did we get for our $19 billion annual NASA budget?  I mean, that's a lot of money, that's... oh, ...

Article - Alex "Sandy" Antunes - Dec 25 2010 - 2:15pm

Planet Hunting A Giant Leap For Citizen Science

It all started back in the olden-days of mid-2007 with GalaxyZoo: the ultimate in online, interactive citizen science where anyone with eyes, an Internet connection, patience, and an appreciation for beautiful galactic images from the Sloan Digital Sky Su ...

Article - Matthew T. Dearing - Dec 28 2010 - 11:54am