Well, here is your chance to cut out all that boring crap, and moreover, dispense with the latin pleasantries, and personally bestow a common name on a species. But not just one - there are 10 species names up for grabs, and it couldn't be easier to submit your name: simply post your name in the comments section of the relevant Guardian article. Last years organisms finally to be bestowed names were...
Blue pepper-pot beetle
Mab's lantern beetle
Scabious cuckoo bee
Queen's executioner beetle
Sea piglet shrimp
St John's jellyfish
Kaleidoscope jellyfish
Witches' whiskers lichen
Pixie gowns lichen
There are a couple of stipulations; firstly, names should ideally consist of two names, and that you should use Arkive, the Encyclopedia of Life and search engines to check the name's not already been taken.
Tragically, I was born with a crippling lack of imagination, so my suggested names are so godawful that I haven't put them in. I am relying on other 2.0ers to do a better job than me! The organisms are below; click on the links for more info.
So, this year's innominate few are...