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Thermo-Pimp Your Home: Save On Heating & Cooling Costs With Thermodynamics

A smart scientist is a frugal scientist. The Frugal Scientist is a series of articles focusing...

Dreamachines, Hallucinations, Charles Bonnet Syndrome & The 50 Year Old Question Hodological Science Answered

BEATNIKS   &   DREAMACHINESAlmost fifty years ago, the beat poet Brion Gysin (1916 - 1986)...

Hallucinations & Brion Gysin's Dreamachine

For those of you who are interested in Brion Gysin's Dreamachine, the following was borrowed from...

Lower Risk Of Breast Cancer? Migraine's Silver Lining

The first time I experienced migraine with aura, I was shopping. I remember looking up at the fluorescent...

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Jen Palmares MeadowsRSS Feed of this column.

Jen Palmares Meadows has a Masters Degree in English from California State University, Sacramento.

In her free time, Jen enjoys terrorizing her cat and watching Star Trek Voyager.

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When I was an undergraduate, I had to read Bram Stoker's Dracula for a class called, "Myths of the World." The novel is composed of first hand accounts, diary entries, letters and newspaper clippings to add validity to the story, so as you're reading it, you begin to think--it's real. There I was one night, in my San Francisco apartment, huddled in my bedroom with all the lights on reading:
When the Count saw my face, his eyes blazed with a sort of demonic fury, and he suddenly made a grab at my throat. I drew away, and his hand touched the string of beads which held the crucifix. It made an instant change in him, for the fury passed so quickly that I could hardly believe that it was ever there. - Bram Stoker's Dracula
Last night, I watched "The Incredible Hulk," starring Ed Norton.  Although I had been disappointed in the 2003 film adaptation of "The Hulk,"  starring Eric Bana, I thought a Hulk movie would be good research for me, as I'm working an article called, "Hollywood's Top 10 Sexiest Male Scientists."

What after all, could be more sexy than a gigantic, green, angry scientist? Ed Norton as Bruce Banner? I could dig it.

So, I settled into my green couch, certain that this film adaptation would redeem The Hulk in my eyes.

I was wrong. In fact, I would be hard pressed to decide which of the two Hulk movies was better or worse. They are equally awful. Godawful.

There was no plot.
No chemistry between Ed Norton and Liv Tyler.
Send us pictures of your best Halloween Costume to win Official Scientificblogging stuff!

Remember the Halloween when you pinned cinnamon buns over your ears because you were Princess Leia and the time you covered yourself in foil and said you were a baked potato? Well, we at Scientificblogging are dying to see pictures of your Halloween costumes.

First Place: Scientificblogging Sweatshirt
Second Place: Scientificblogging Shirt
Third Place: Scientificblogging Mug

Deadline: Wednesday, October 29th
Send your pictures to

Tricking students into learning with fun has always been a ploy of educators. When I was a kid, my kindergarten teacher, tricked my class into enjoying reading by serving eggs and ham that were dyed green. In sixth grade, while studying Ancient Egypt, we made papier-mache sarcophagi. To this day, I still remember well Dr. Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham (I will not eat them, Sam I am), and I know what the heck a cartouche is.

Nowadays, students are embracing this same concept, incorporating their interests into their fields of study and making learning fun. They’re studying what they feel passionately about.

And what has always interested college students?--Beer. Duh. 

It's no news that women were historically excluded from the "boys club" of science but women scientists date as far back as Ancient Greece, and perhaps further. In more recent years, they have become essential to the scientific community.

Several of the women listed here are sisters or wives of scientific men. During their times, women were forced onto the backburner but, given equal rights and freedoms, might have overshadowed their masculine counterparts. Some even disguised themselves as men and most, if not all, faced tremendous adversity. They have been chosen for this list because their contributions to science cannot be ignored, nor forgotten. 

I'm obsessed with the apocalypse. No joke.

I always carry a mini-emergency kit stuffed in an Altoids tin, and I know that if the apocalypse comes, my husband and I are supposed to meet at our apartment, grab our pre-packed bags, maybe the cat, and head for the hills. 

We own a Grundig self-powered radio with hand crank and charger for cell phones with various adapters. Survival manuals. Canned food. Bottled water. Check. Check. Check.

Zombies, watch out! We're armed. Nuclear attack? No prob--we've got pills for that.

But what if the apocalypse isn't zombies? What if it's not radiation poisoning we've got to be worried about? What if it's simply some giant celestial object bearing down on us?--I'd need several pills to handle that. 

Sounds improbable? Think again.

Illustration by LYNETTE R COOK