Print Your Own Universe

There is a great educational resource available on the web: card models.

I remember first1 making such models as a small child.  I can say from memory that folding paper and card in three dimensions is a great way to get an intuitive feel for three dimensional geometry.

The great thing about making models as a child is that you don't realise just how much science you are learning.  With guidance from a good teacher, small children can learn a lot about the universe just from making models.

What causes earthquakes?

What's inside a volcano?

Build an observatory and then calculate where to aim your telescope.

How does a hydroelectric power station work?

All these and more are available to download as free .pdf files, thanks to the generosity of their artistic creators and Canon Inc.

[1] - 'first' might seem to imply that I still make them.  And why not?  :-)

How to thank me for bringing this wonderful educational resource to your attention?

Oh, Lord!

Won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?