In a recent article I wrote: Godfrey Bloom MEP bemoans the fact that:
"There appears to be a woeful lack of candour and commonsense in modern day politicians."
Godfrey Bloom is an MEP - a politician. His party is called UKIP. Godfrey Bloom has so many Google hits that, even if you search for someone famous, up pops a 'UKIP In the Media' result from his website. Why would that be? How can it happen?
On Godfrey Bloom's website, an MEP / UKIP member's official website, under the heading 'Climate Change / Global Warming'
there is no statement of policy, no opinion piece. Instead, you will just find some links and a list of famous names and institutions.
On that page is an invitation to check out the Mannhatten Declaration - oops, sorry - this Manhattan Declaration November 20, 2009. No, wait, I promise to get it right in the end - this Manhatten Declaration agreed at New York, 4 March 2008.
Under the 'Manhatten' links one finds a most interesting list:
"Small sample of Institutions sceptical of man made Global Warming caused by man"
The small matter of tautology is quite forgivable. It is too much to expect great literary skills from such a great orator.
Ah! The classic 'CO2 is natural' argument.
The list on his site, reproduced below, includes many names of people and institutions in the forefront of climate science. They are just the sort of people that Godfrey Bloom likes to call scammers, cheats and alarmists.
Now, if I was on the list I would hasten to sue for libel before the UK Libel Law Reform prevents it.
I am researching the list in some detail. I intend to publish the facts soon. For now, I post it with just this comment:
If any of the names is unfamiliar to you, just do a Google search. In amongst the top results will likely be Godfrey Bloom's own site. It is easily identified in the search results - just look for this:
UKIP In the Media
----------------------------The list:
Small sample of Institutions sceptical of man made Global Warming caused by man
* Australian Antarctic Division glaciology programme – Ian Allison
* National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration – Paul Stanko
* Zombie Science, Zombie Politics – Dr Muriel Newman,
New Zealand Centre for Political research
* A National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Geology&Geoenviroment,
Department of Geography – Climatology
* University of Illinois
* University of Colorado – Rogder Pielke Sr.
* Oklahoma State University – Hermann GW Burchard, Prof Appl Math Emer
* NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies – Dr Drew Shindell
* St. Petersburg Hydro-Meteorological University – Prof Lev Karlin
* Professor James Rust – Technology Review
* Professor Weitzman of Harvard
* US National Snow and Ice Data Centre
* CUT associate Professor Alexander Gavrilov
* Western Australia’s Curtin University of Technology
* Ian Plimer – University of Adelaide
* Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen – Technical University of Denmark –
* Stanley Feldman – Professor of anaesthetics at London University
* Daniel Rosenfeld – Hebrew University, Jerusalem
* The Polish Academy of Sciences
* Princeton’s Will Happer
* Patrick J Michaels Cato Institute
* Joanne Simpson PHD in Meteorology
* Norway’s Ivan Giaever – Nobel Prize winner for physics
* Professor Robert Carter, Marine Geophysical Laboratory – James Cook University,
Townsville, Australia
* Juan Carlos University, Madrid
* University of Colorado
* Robert H Austin – Professor or Physics, Princeton University, Fellow APS,
AAAS (America Ass of Arts and Science Member National Academy of science)
* William Happer – Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics – Princeton University –
Fellow APS, AAAS – Member National Academy of Scince
* S Fred Singer – Professor of Enviromental Sciences Emeritus, Univeristy of Virginia,
First Director of the National Weather Satellite Service, Fellow APs, AAAS, AGU
* Roger W Cohen – Manager, Strategic Planning and Programs, ExxonMobil Corporation,
Fellow APS
* Harold W Lewis, Professor of Physics Emeritus, University of California at Santa Barbara,
Fellow APS, AAAS, Chairman, APS reactor safety study.
* Laurence I Gould, Professor of Physics, University of Hartford, Chairman 2004,
New England section of APS
* Richard Lindzen, Alfred P Sloan Professor of Metrorology, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Fellow American Academy of Arts and Science, AGU, AAAS,
AMS – Member National Academy of Science.
* National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER)
* Dr John David Lewis, Associate Professor Philosophy, Politics and Economics Program,
Duke University.
* Dr RK Chaujar – Climate change and its impact on the Himalayan Glaciers
* Hans Schreuder – Analytical chemist UK
* Piers Corbyn – Astrophysicist UK
* Dr Don Parkes – Professor Em. Human Ecology
* Svend Hendriksen – Nobel Peace Prize 1988
* Prof. Dr. rer.nat. Friedrich-Karl Ewert EIKE – Diplom-Geologe –
University GH Paderbron, Abt. Hoxter
* Dr Holger Thub – EIKE President – European Institue for Climate and Energy
* Prof. Dr.Ing. Hans-Günter Appel
* Prof. Dr. hab. Dorota Appenzeller Professor of Econometrics and Applied Mathematics,
Vice Dean University Poznan, Poland
* Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Bachmann Former Director of the Institute for Vibration Engineering,
FH Düsseldorf
* Prof. Dr. Hans Karl Barth Managing Director World Habitat Society GmbH -
Environmental Services
* Dipl. Biologist Ernst Georg Beck
* Dr. rer.nat. Horst Borchert Physicist
* Dipl. Biol. Helgo Bran Former BW parliamentarian Green Party
* Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gerhard Buse Bio-chemist
* Dr.Ing Ivo Busko German Center for Aviation and Aeronautics e.V.
* Dr.Ing Gottfried Class Nuclear Safety, Thermo-hydraulics
* Dr.Ing Urban Cleve Nuclear physicist, thermodynamics energy specialist
* Dr.-Ing Rudolf-Adolf Dietrich Energy expert
* Dipl.-Ing. Peter Dietze IPCC Expert Reviewer TAR
* Dr. rer. nat Siegfried Dittrich Physical chemist
* Dr. Theo Eichten Physicist
* Ferroni Ferruccio Zurich President NIPCC-SUISSE
* Dr. sc.agr. Albrecht Glatzle Agricultural biologist, Director científico INTTAS, Paraguay
* Dr. rer. nat. Klaus-Jürgen Goldmann Geologist
* Dr. rer. nat. Josef Große-Wördem Physical chemist
* Dipl. Geologist Heinisch Heinisch
* Dr. rer.nat. Horst Herman Chemist
* Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Hinz Former University of Münster Institute for Physical Chemistry
* Dipl. Geologist Andreas Hoemann Geologist
* Dipl. Geologist Siegfried Holler
* Dr. rer.nat. Heinz Hug Chemiker
* Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Hüttner Theoretical Physicist
* Prof. Dr. Werner Kirstein Institute for Geography University Leipzig
* Dipl. Meteorologe Klaus Knüpffer METEO SERVICE weather research GmbH
* Dr. rer. hort. Werner Köster
* Dr. rer.nat. Albert Krause Chemist
* Drs. Hans Labohm IPCC AR4 Expert Reviewer Dipl. Business / science journalist
* Dr. Rainer Link Physicist
* Dipl. Physicist Alfred Loew
* Prof. Dr. Physicist Horst-Joachim Lüdecke University for Engineering and business of
* Prof. Dr. Horst Malberg University professor em. Meteorology and Climatology /
Former Director of the Institute for Meteorology of the University of Berlin
* Dr. rer.nat Wolfgang Monninger Geologist
* Dipl. Meteorologist Dieter Niketta
* Prof. Dr. Klemens Oekentorp Former director of the Geological-
Paleolontology Museum of the Westphalia Wilhelms-University Münster
* Dr. Helmut Pöltelt Energy expert
* Dipl. Meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls Meteorologist
* Prof. Dr. Klaas Rathke Polytechnic OWL Dept. Höxter
* Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sc. D. Helmut Reihlen Director of the DIN German Institute for
Standards and Norms i.R.
* Prof. Dr. Oliver Reiser University of Regensburg
* Dipl. Physicist Wolfgang Riede Physicists ETH
* Dipl.- Mineralogist Sabine Sauerberg Geoscientist
* Prof. Jochen Schnetger Chemist
* Prof. Dr. Sigurd Schulien University instructor
* Dr. rer.nat. Franz Stadtbäumer Geologist
* Dr. rer.nat. Gerhard Stehlik Physical chemist
* Dipl. Ing. (BA) Norman Stoer System administrator
* Dr. rer.nat.habil Lothar Suntheim Chemist
* Dipl.-Ing. Heinz Thieme Technical assessor
* Dr. phil. Dipl. Wolfgang Thüne Mainz Ministry of Environment Meteorologist
* Dr. rer. oec. Ing. Dietmar Ufer Energy economist, Institute for Energy Leipzig
* Prof. Dr. Detlef von Hofe Former managing director of the DVS
* Dipl Geographist Heiko Wiese Meteorologist
* Dr.rer.nat. Erich Wiesner Euro Geologist
* Dr.rer.nat. Ullrich Wöstmann Geologist
* Prof. em. Dr. Heinz Zöttl Soil Sciences
* Dr.rer.nat. Zucketto Chemist
* Dr. rer.nat. Ludwig Laus Geologist
* Martin Livermore – Scientific Alliance,St. John’s Innovation Centre, Cambridge
* Richard Lindzen – Meteorologist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology
thanks to for posting the video.