Unless you think plants are little people, so you don't understand any science, it is impossible to believe a weedkiller lowers testosterone.

Environmental predatorts still sell it to the gullible. Lawsuits are how they make their money. 

If you do believe in that plants are tiny green people and share a biological pathway and therefore a weedkiller can give you cancer, you don't trust science, you simply want to believe prejudiced epidemiology when it matches your bias against science.

There is one large problem with thinking statistical 'association' is some kind of Supreme Court over Science; your correlation arrows could be all wrong. Testosterone in men could be lower because we eat more organic food, for example. The curves match pretty well, as Big Organic came into being thanks to President Clinton, the most woo-based president in the 20th century, rose in popularity, testosterone declined.

To scientists, that is a spurious correlation yet environmentalists and the offshore-funded environmentalists who wage war on American farmers and our food system (and have for decades, thanks to Russian groups devoted to keeping American food and products out of their largest client hub, Europe) invoke such spurious correlations every day.

More about secret funding to anti-science groups: U.S. Right To Know: Queasy Links To Anti-Vax Conspiracy Groups Hint At Their Bias Against All Science and By Donating To Sourcewatch, The National Education Association Is Using Teacher Dues To Smear Teachers

Now they are doing it about 12,000 chemicals, all but a handful found in nature, known as PFAS, but they come up with a new lawsuit target every year.

They never really give up on the old lawsuits, though. They insist bees are dying when the opposite is true, and even though scientists have repeatedly shown weedkillers have not, cannot, and will never cause cancer, lawyers continue to rotate in those ads while drumming up support for supernatural claims about PFAS in water.

At Junk Science, Steve Milloy takes physician-turned-anti-science-crusader and supplement grifter Dr. Casey Means to task for dropping a lot of jargon while proceeding from a nonsense assumption - that the weedkiller known as atrazine 'increases aromatase' and, she implies, turns men more femal. JK Rowling never said anything so ridiculous yet a lot of social media people want to cancel her, and Dr. Means can promote this anti-trans gibberish and anti-science progressives gush over it as Truth. It's "endocrine disruptor" nonsense using rats.

Rats are not little people any more than plants are. Scientists know that. This compound has been used since 1958 and our CDC has repeatedly debunked simplistic correlation that looks at spreadsheets using food surveys and declares that atrazine sprayed on corn must have caused a human's cancer.

Unfortunately, the Biden administration's War On Science has thrown scientists out of EPA decision-making and replaced them with epidemiologists, claiming "real world data" is better. Except it is not data, it is just flawed questionnaires that are tortured into saying they are data.

Dr. Means has a medical degree and I know that is more endurance contest than mark of intelligence but she must know her claims are nonsense, as is "banned in Europe" logical fallacies. Europe didn't ban thalidomide until the US showed it caused birth defects because Europeans wanted to export it here and we never approved their product. They did ban GMOs, but only because their company, BASF, made and still makes an older genetic modification competitor known as Mutagenesis.

Not only do European governments deny Mutagenesis is not genetic modification, they label those mutated plants derived from chemical and radiation baths as "Organic."

This stuff is always about money, and Dr. Means is selling lifestyle remedies to other wealthy white women. That doesn't make it science.