One way to groom people into a social authoritarian, centralized government mindset is to keep them in a panic about everything. Then you give everyone a diagnosis and tell them it's not their fault. 

Using his agencies, President Biden has done a lot to erode confidence in government science and health. He bizarrely tried to use CDC to create nationwide rent control, he got EPA epidemiologists to hijack ponds on family farms under the pretense that they were "navigable waters of the United States", the list goes on.

Now his administration is doing something the cultural evangelists behind DSM-5, the people who created so many classifications that 85 percent of Americans are on some sort of behavioral spectrum, will declare crazy. He has said being a parent is hazardous to your health.(1)

The New York Times, official outlet of acupuncture, supplements, ghosts, and everything else their reader base believes in well beyond normal Americans, naturally published an opinion piece from the Biden administration saying why it is right.

Except his policies are why the biggest stressor, economic instability, exists at higher levels. He printed $4 trillion in order to hand it overwhelmingly to government employees. It caused food prices to increase 44% but government employees who are in the stock market rave about how great things are. The Biden administration is now worried about a problem it created with Draconian measures and financial tinkering. No one outside people who would vote for a cardboard cutout of their political leaders told them to do so is buying into his populist rhetoric that greedy corporations are the problem. Everyone knows if you print money it is worth less. 

Maybe next week they will let the Harris campaign write an article stating why it is necessary to tax virtual future income, as she has proposed. 


(1) Perhaps in his case it was. He got impeachment proceedings because of one son exploiting his connections overseas, and lost two children to tragedies. That's a lot of stress for a father who was also trying to be in the Senate and then in the White House.