You may have been baffled when The Walt Disney Co. filed a trademark application on "SEAL Team 6" shortly after the Navy special operations unit killed Osama Bin Laden in Pakistan and took his stash of porn.

How does a company trademark an American military unit, you may have asked?    If they can do that, imagine what they could do to Science 2.0.  Well, it turns out that they realized they can't and being ridiculed across all media for their shameless cultural profiteering did not help matters much.   They have withdrawn their application since the Navy moved to block it.

Navy spokeswoman Amanda Greenberg said the Navy already had rights to the SEAL trademark but recently submitted two new applications for trademarks of "Navy SEALs" and "SEAL Team."

"The Navy is fully committed to protecting its trademark rights as it pertains to this matter and is currently examining all legal options," she said.

The Disney spokespeople said they wanted to produce a television show about the unit, though that does not explain the application and its covering snow globes.