Sometimes I read sentences like "It occurs to me that I ought to thank Mark Hyman, "pioneer of functional medicine," and creator of "Ultrawellness," particularly since he started blogging for that wretched hive of scum and quackery (WHSQ), The Huffington Post" on and think, 'gosh, it must be fun to never about science on a science site and get away with it' but then I realize we would lose most of our audience; no one can outdo Scienceblogs for progressive politics, atheism and culture wars and people who like that stuff are already reading them so I guess we'll just stick to science.

But I am tucking away that 'wretched hive of scum and quackery' line in case I get stuck in a "Star Wars" universe and some physicist tries to publish 3-sigma results instead of 5-sigma or...I don't know, I will think of something equally dastardly in science.