Let's remember that scientists like fun and get ready for dates by studying for them. Well, I mean dates like the Inauguration Day, the first in the history of ScientificBlogging.com, January 20, 2009. 

My column comes handy in this quick review for Mr Obama. You know he is interested in jobs:

Old to New Green Jobs (4.2 Million) 

Renewable energy? Energy efficiency?
What's the Renewable Energy Directive? 
Physicists' Energy Report 
Shrinkage of Another Kind (Reduce energy use by 50%)

Pre-Election Action on Biofuels 
Swedish Biogas and Mars Missions 
CO2 for Green Gasoline? (A non-CO2 power producer for gasoline production)

Economy and energy and health?
A Beautiful Model for Economy and Climate Change (Global economy and energy consumption)
Not for men only! What's Your Beauty Policy? (Mercury cycle from coal plants to children)

On climate?
Ozone in the Zone 
Last Word: Poles' warming is man-made 
Major Climate Intervention Study 
Prince of Orange Studies Climate Change 

Yes, utopia:
Utopia of Oz, Silver, and CNN 
Is there an economist in the House or in the Senate? 

So that we know more than anybody in the former Congress (110th) and in the outgoing cabinet. It is for our future. You know the rest