There are two principle objectives of Ayurveda. One of them is the protection, preservation and promotion of health in a healthy person and the other is the prevention and treatment of disease in the patient (Shivsharma, 1929). Thus Ayurveda provides the knowledge to preserve, promote and correct the bodily tissue as well the quality and strength of mind so that one can aspire to attain a state of supreme eternal happiness. On the other hand it advocates employing holistic and comprehensive and Ayurveda conceives life as a fourd imensional entity comprising of physical body(Sharira), the sense organs(Indriya), the mind(Satva), and soul(Atma), thus, the individual is a comprehensive psychophysicospiritual entity, which is highly dynamic and is in constant interplay with the nature. The application of Ayurveda in two facts i.e. health and disease is based on certain principles. They are as here under: 1. Principle of Holism 2. Principle to improve quality of life 3. Prevention is better than cure 4. Detoxification produres prevent recurrences of diseases. 5. Totality and safety of the drug. In Ayurveda, drugs are classified in different ways according to their sources, utility, effects or morphology. Though the emphasis of earlier pharmacotherapy was on drugs of plant origin. Charaka classified drugs into three groups; Animal, Vegetable and Mineral as shown in,Fig.1. Ayurvedic pharmacology, pharmacy(Kalpavidnyana) is a well advanced branch. Crude drugs are rarely administered. Various formulation ranging from simple distillates (Arka), decoction (Kwatha), linctus (leha, Avaleha) and powders (churna), to elaborate pharmaceutical preparation like pills at different sizes (Vati, Guti, Modaka) and medicated oils (Taila and Ghrita) are available. In liquid formulation too, a wide range exists. These are Swarasa(fresh juice), Kwatha(decoction), Fant(infusion in hot water), Kshirapaka(decoction in milk), Tandulajala(decoction in rice washings) and alcoholic extracts. The potency is highest in fresh juice and lowest in cold water infusion(pendse,1961). Administration of drugs in comination (Samyoga) may either enhance or antagonize the response of the individual component (Mahadeo,1981). Certain drugs are known to act on certain tissues of the body. In other words, a particular drug may show affinity for a particular tissue. This is described as adhisthana, which can be interpreted as “Site of action”(Nighatu Ratnakar,1936). However, in the absence of factual data explaining drug action, the area of pharmacodynamics in Ayurveda remains more abstract compared to other areas. At the same time, some of the ideas and concepts elaborated do stimulate thought and several statements made regarding effect of drugs, if validated,can contribute a great deal to the modern therapeutic methodology, Fig.2 Summarizes the concept of drug action in Ayurvedic pharmacology in a nutshell. Ayurveda adopts a holistic approach and propounds a broad based understanding of the entity of life, health and disease; in contrast to critical analytical approach to western medicine(Sukhdev,1987). Sharma (1968) enlisted 248 botanical drugs which are mentioned mainly in Atharva-Veda and Rig-Veda. A glossary of such medicinal plants, which have been mentioned in Charak Samhita, Sushruta Samhita and Ashtanga Hridiyam.