Scientific advancements, developing countries, trade ,agriculture and society.
Once upon a time when Taj Mahal was built the west was passing through the age of renaissance This has brought in industrial revolution while agrarian societies did not advance much and remained as so called developing countries. Agricultural products their storage, processing and distribution largely suffers from losses of technical procedures. This results in compulsive selling by farmers and hoarding by the hoarders: the main business in developing world some 100 years ago and still continues. "Money makes the Mayor go"
Trade is basically purchasing the crop produce in bulk at crop harvest time by a group of people who have money and selling it as higher price when shortage comes. Prices of Onion may fluctuate from Rs 8 to Rs 80.
What I am trying to say at this site of science better technologies are needed for harvest, storage, processing and selling to support poor farmers. Agrarian societies vs. industrial societies have different trade practices but money making has seen easy way through share markets for some.
Common man is still suffers.
The resources of earth are cornered by some companies, business houses, and sold to common people by making huge profits.
Such glaring cornering of resources by nations, companies, and individuals is against the basic law of using earth’s resources economically and is a form of corruption.
Will someone check this also?