Before publishing the first issue of Gene Genie, a blog carnival on genes, I list here the most interesting announcements and findings on genes from the past day.

The Broad Institute, Lund University and Novartis have announced the completion of a genome-wide map of genes related to type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disorders. (Read more at the Diabetes Genetics Initiative database)

A study led by researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Broad Institute of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University provides the first demonstration of a practical method of screening tumors for cancer-related gene abnormalities that might be treated with “targeted” drugs.

Researchers have discovered that the same genetic regulator that triggers growth of stem cells during brain development also plays a central role in the development of the lethal brain cancer malignant glioma. In experiments on mice with such gliomas, they showed that knocking out the function of a particular regulatory protein, Olig2, almost completely eliminated tumor formation.

And the only not gene-related article for today:

A renowned infertility expert in suburban St. Louis transplanted a whole ovary from Lagos’ sister into Lagos, a step that could enable her to have children. (Read more at Is whole-ovary transplant a cure or risky gamble?)