What Next For Messenger RNA (mRNA)? Maybe Inhalable Vaccines

No one likes getting a needle but most want a vaccine. A new paper shows progress for messenger...

Toward A Single Dose Smallpox And Mpox Vaccine With No Side Effects

Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his US followers over the last 25 years have staunchly opposed...

ChatGPT Is Cheaper In Medicine And Does Better Diagnoses Even Than Doctors Using ChatGPT

General medicine, routine visits and such, have gradually gone from M.D.s to including Osteopaths...

Even After Getting Cancer, Quitting Cigarettes Leads To Greater Longevity

Cigarettes are the top lifestyle risk factor for getting cancer, though alcohol and obesity have...

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If you watched film and television from an alien spacecraft, you'd wonder how the same government that created a CDC which needs 6 weeks to tell the public that lettuce has E. coli on it can also create "Mission Impossible" plots and shows where FBI agents win every time.

The first part is real, the last is certainly fiction. A new study finds that not only is a government database wrong, it is wrong to an extent that is worrisome when we want people to have more trust in law enforcement agencies. 
Protection of personal data in the Internet Age is a big worry but solutions may be lacking. A smartwatch may seem secure, but the neural network processing that health information is using private data that could still be stolen by a malicious agent through a side-channel attack - one in which secret information is gathered by indirectly exploiting a system or its hardware. In one type of side-channel attack, a hacker could monitor fluctuations in the device’s power consumption while the neural network is operating to extract protected information that “leaks” out of the device.
Though there are examples of fit older men, they are the exception, just as attractive young people are the exception. Yet in youth people just accept that, while in middle age men seem to take it more to heart, lowering their feelings of self-worth.

In youth, attractiveness can be dismissed as genetics. Later on it becomes inevitable due to age.
Some people believe the immune system is dormant when you are healthy and only kicks into action when a threat is present.

Biologically, nature is always trying to kill things, we are just evolved enough to dismiss most without issues, but your immune system is working even when you feel fine. A recent paper highlights how the immune system even causes the liver of the healthy body to produce an energy source called ketone bodies and how that takes place by letting the liver burn fat during fasting. 
Before the invention of modern science and technology, where many diverse foods can be grown in areas once considered inhospitable, the whims of nature determined what you ate, and if you ate at all. 
A recent study found that a virtual reality experience is able to reduce stress among COVID-19 frontline healthcare workers.