LONDON, April 30 /PRNewswire/ --

LONDON, April 30 /PRNewswire/ --

Following the embargoed news released by the Queen Mary University of London concerning the oral MS drug cladribine and the results due to be presented at the American Academy of Neurology meeting, please find below a statement from the MS Society.

Dr Lee Dunster, Head of Research at the MS Society, said: These are remarkable results and being able to take a tablet instead of having injections will be a huge step forward for people with MS.

The evidence is there, but we now need to see cladribine move smoothly through the regulatory process and the price the manufacturer sets will play a crucial part in that.

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Notes to Editors:

- The MS Society ( is the UK's largest charity dedicated to supporting everyone whose life is touched by MS, providing respite care, an award-winning freephone helpline (0808-800-8000), specialist MS nurses and funds more than 80 vital MS research projects in the UK. - Multiple sclerosis is the most common disabling neurological condition affecting young adults and an estimated 85,000 people in the UK have MS. - MS is the result of damage to myelin - the protective sheath surrounding nerve fibres of the central nervous system - which interferes with messages between the brain and the body. - For some people, MS is characterised by periods of relapse and remission while for others it has a progressive pattern. - Symptoms range from loss of sight and mobility, fatigue, depression and cognitive problems. There is no cure and few effective treatments.

For interviews with spokespeople or case studies and for general media enquiries please contact the MS Society Press Office on +44(0)20-8438-0840, or the out of hours duty press officer on +44(0)7909-851401.