LONDON, October 27, 2010 /PRNewswire/ -- Diskeeper Corporation Europe announced today that V-Locity(TM) 2.0 virtual platform disk optimiser increases corporate computing and strengthen the IT virtualisation market in the UK by providing cost effective and greener IT within the Public Sector. A recent article entitled Executives from VMware claim the UK is one of the top adopters when it comes to virtualisation technology, written by Jennifer Scott of IT Pro suggests that the UK is leading the market by adopting virtualisation technology. The full article can be found here on the IT PRO website: UK leads Europe in virtualisation adoption | IT PRO (

With the recent budget announcements in the UK Public Sector, solutions like Virtualisation stand to gain even more ground within the current economy. V-Locity 2.0 has been designed specifically for virtual environments and makes Windows systems faster, more reliable, more energy efficient and longer lived, all of which are key issues within the current economy.

V-locity 2.0 is designed to deliver invisible background optimisation of all Windows(R) Guest operating systems running on the VMware ESX and Microsoft Hyper-V(TM) platforms. New to V-locity 2.0 is the addition of the breakthrough IntelliWrite(TM) fragmentation prevention technology originally introduced with Diskeeper(R) performance software. Utilising IntelliWrite technology, V-locity writes files to the disk to prevent up to 85 percent of fragmentation from occurring before it even happens.

Key V-Locity 2.0 Facts:

- V-locity 2.0 was designed to create a virtual-specific product that not only performs defragmentation functions, but also synchronises the complex and ongoing activity between host and multiple guest operating systems in a virtualised environment. - V-locity 2.0 frees up vital storage resources by eliminating virtual disk bloat. This is the wasted disk space that takes place when virtual disks are set to dynamically grow but fail to shrink when users or applications remove data. It actually compacts the virtual disk, thereby preventing waste and allowing IT Managers to better allocate virtual storage resources. - Diskeeper has seen 130 percent growth in adoption of V-locity 2.0 over the past few months. Significant drivers in customer adoption are attributed to the solution's powerful and easy-to-use new features including the breakthrough IntelliWrite fragmentation prevention technology. The escalation of customers deploying V-locity 2.0 underscores that the solution is meeting a real customer need and highlights Diskeeper Corporation's commitment to ensuring its customers are able to derive the most productive return on their technology investment.

Supporting Quotes:

V-locity solves resource issues if running multiple regular Diskeeper as Guests. The biggest benefit is avoiding I/O contention; V-locity solves the disk I/O contention issue when running multiple VMs, said Kari Mikesell, Multisymmetric Inc. My favourite feature is running the InvisiTasking(R) technology across all VMs. Running 10+ VMs across 10 physical spindles on the HOST would not be possible without InvisiTasking managing I/O and timing of defrag events across all machines including the HOST. V-locity is a must for VM Hosts Guests OSes.

Companies not running V-Locity 2.0 are missing an opportunity to maximise their output by drastically cutting their overhead. With the use of Diskeeper, it's a simple yet cost effective solution to cutting expenditure company-wide with notable performance benefits, said VP Business Development, Thomas Doria.

The momentum we've created in the first months of this solution's availability is a strong beginning, and we've already seen enterprise-wide adoption underway with several Fortune 1000 customers said Michael Materie, product manager, Diskeeper Corporation. The new successes we're seeing affirm that customers are deriving value from V-locity 2.0 and recognising that this solution is the best and only way to optimise performance across virtual networks.

Supporting Resources:

Diskeeper Corporation's V-locity 2.0:

V-locity 2.0 Free Trial:

About Diskeeper Corporation

Innovators in Performance and Reliability Technologies(R): CIOs, IT Managers and System Administrators of Global Fortune 1000 and Forbes 500 enterprises rely on Diskeeper(R) performance software to provide unparalleled performance and reliability to their business laptops, desktops and servers. Diskeeper 2010 includes the breakthrough IntelliWrite fragmentation prevention technology. V-locity 2.0 virtual platform disk optimiser for VMware ESX and Hyper-V eliminates the barriers to full virtual efficiency and maximum I/O performance on virtual servers. Diskeeper Corporation further provides real-time data protection and real-time data recovery with Undelete(R) data recovery software ( InvisiTasking(R ) technology enables any process to run completely invisibly in the background, fully tapping the power of otherwise unused idle resources (

(c) 2010 Diskeeper Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Diskeeper, V-locity, InvisiTasking, IntelliWrite, Undelete, real-time data protection and real-time data recovery and Innovators in Performance and Reliability Technologies are trademarks owned by Diskeeper Corporation. All other trademarks are the properties of their respected owners.

Contact: Paul Hoole +44(0)2070-784-373,

SOURCE: Diskeeper Corporation

CONTACT: Contact: Paul Hoole +44(0)2070-784-373,