Philosophy & Ethics

60 Minutes: No Broadcasting Standards, No Investigation

Last week, a small group of people held a protest outside Channel Nine in Sydney. They were objecting to the network’s treatment of Adam Whittington, the Australian man whose company “recovered” Sally Faulkner’s children on the streets of Beirut. It’s cle ...

Article - The Conversation - Jul 25 2016 - 8:12am

Affordable Care Act And Health Care- The Same Racial And Economic Disparities Persist

Though the Affordable Health Care was passed and signed without really knowing what it was, a few things were certain; you could keep your doctor, it would be cheaper due to competition for new customers, and socio-economic disparities would be eliminated ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 31 2016 - 9:44am

There is no Morality and no Such Thing as Ethics

Today’s affirmative action professoriate like to talk as though they own the moral high ground because they are not white men. It’s a big act. Even before the affirmative action professoriate came into being, the academic study of ethics and morality was ...

Blog Post - Alex Durig - Jan 2 2017 - 4:46pm

Perspectivism, 5 Determinisms And Impossibility Of Defining Free Will, Zen

Often, we do not understand because we do not see the issue from the other side. For example, the person who believes in some sort of determinism, the "determinist", wonders why those others, people such as those who believe in ‘free will’, the “ ...

Article - Sascha Vongehr - Feb 21 2017 - 10:04am

The Expression Of Scientific Certainty By Expert Witnesses In American Jurisprudence

An expert witness is a person authorized by a judge to share professional opinions in a court of law about subjects in which the expert was found to be sufficiently knowledgeable and competent.   During criminal or civil litigation, the permission granted ...

Article - John M. Collins - Mar 17 2017 - 11:26am

NYU Journalism Department Scandal Grows- Fraud, Conflicts Of Interest, Denial

A group called US Right To Know is embracing the rich history of the anti-science movement; a history filled with lots of revenue for smear campaigns against scientists, companies in the science business, and more overtly, political allies opposed to the ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Mar 31 2017 - 8:51am

Does the “right to future liberty” justify infringing on youths’ liberty? Or is it just age discrimination? Parens Patriae vs. Age Egalitarianism

In an earlier article [1], I outline the case that, contrary to traditional legal presumption, most people are actually competent to make decisions on their own behalf as early as age 13. ...

Blog Post - Nightvid Cole - May 23 2017 - 12:58pm

The Bizarre Relationship Between Environmental Lawyer Stephen Tillery And A Federal Judge Who Helped Him

Attorney Patrick Murphy is representing infamous sue-and-settle environmental lawyer Stephen Tillery, senior partner and founder of Korein Tillery, as plaintiff in the court of Senior U.S. District Judge Phil Gilbert in a lawsuit against Advanced Analytic ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jun 16 2017 - 5:50pm

California’s Very Expensive Free Healthcare

What will cost $400 billion, a giant leap over California’s total health care budget for 2018 of $179.5 billion, yet is not mentioned by California lawmakers? California's free "single-payer" healthcare proposal. ...

Article - News Staff - Jun 28 2017 - 8:26am

Smart Levels And Many World/Mind Zen Ethics

Life is a gamble, every day, all day, in a most greedy casino with unwritten rules and players rewriting the rules, re-interpreting them if you accidentally won too much without having the right friends, putting you back in your place. How do people of di ...

Article - Sascha Vongehr - Jan 3 2018 - 1:58am