My research focuses on a variety of topics related to membrane biophysics, including the origin of cell membranes and the use of transmembrane nanopores to analyze nucleic acids. Over the past 25 years, my lab has been supported by grants from NIH, NASA, and NSF.
I have authored or coauthored 200 research papers and reviews, and a dozen books including Origins of Life: The Central Conceptswith Gail Fleischaker. I am now engaged in writing a book on the origin of life for UC Press, and I want to try out some of the ideas on readers of my column here at Science 2.0.
I'm a native Californian, born in Santa Monica in 1939. Spent my high school years in Westerville, Ohio, near Columbus, then to Duke University for an undergraduate degree in Chemistry. Back to Ohio State for a PhD in Physiological Chemistry, and finally to UC Berkeley for post-doctoral research in biophysics.
My first faculty position was as a cell biologist at UC Davis, where I spent the next 25 years. I moved my lab to UC Santa Cruz in 1994 to join my wife, Olof, who is also a biophysicist working on fast electron transport in cytochrome oxidase.
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