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Psychological Bias and Ageism Against Young People

In this writing, I want to show how common psychological biases lead to the (largely incorrect)...

The Lifelong Teenage Brain: Do Many Adults have the brain of a 13-year-old?

Many have advanced the idea that adolescent anatomical brain development justifies denying adolescents...

Minority vs. Legal Incompetence: The case for lowering the age of majority to 13

The right to make one’s own legal decisions is typically denied for two reasons: Youth (minority)...

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I am a physics graduate student at the University of Maryland at College Park*, expecting to get my PhD in 2013 or 2014. I got my undergraduate degree in Arkansas, and was for a time interested in... Read More »


Moore's Law, originating in 1965 [1], is an observation of transistor density on a single CPU core increasing exponentially with time. Futurists such as Ray Kurzweil [2] extend this to the claim that CPU-core computation rate (operations per second) will also increase exponentially with time, allowing for a technological explosion of super-intelligent machines in soon-to-come decades.

I have had my fair share of confusion and straightening out over the years, mostly something I accept as a challenge (life wouldn't be fun without challenges...) But it struck me as strange when I finally found out that two things they taught me when I took the undergrad 'intro to modern physics' course are not true. And I had spent a long time horribly confused by these two myths before I finally came to an understanding.