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If you are anti-military this is not for you but if you've ever shot competition rifle, or just have an appreciation for anyone who is among the best at what they do, you can appreciate this Marine sniper who takes out a target over a mile away - through a brick wall.  The tactical breathing issues alone to make a shot from a mile away are unfathomable.    Better: after he makes the shot, the sniper stays there for another 12 hours.   

I don't recommend doing this at your local shooting range, even if they have a .50 cal.  Why?   The air will positively shimmer when that thing goes off and the recoil, even with a low-recoil gas system, will make inexperienced shooters physically ill.
Bad Agronomy

Bad Agronomy

Aug 28 2010 | comment(s)

With Phil Plait getting his own TV show this weekend, look for new homages ... but why would anyone want to be bad?  I am not sure, though when you make something popular people will copy it, often for the best of reasons.

We even had a Bad Archaeology here years ago, for an article anyway.   Will we now change our name to Bad Science 2.0?   We don't like Phil that much.
A robotic hand attached to a small helicopter can successfully and autonomously grip objects while the helicopter is hovering(link to video there too) ...

Yale Aerial Manipulator

Article: Paul E.I. Pounds and Aaron M. Dollar,  Hovering Stability of Helicopters with Elastic Constraints, proceedings of the 2010 ASME Dynamics Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2010).
Britons may be famous for their lack of fashion sense but they may have inherited one of their biggest sartorial crimes, wearing socks with sandals, from Italians.
From Daily Life in an Ivory Basement:
I'm a big believer in open science...but it's always interesting to think about how such things as "data release" can be perverted by clever scientists. I'm currently in France working on some ascidians with Billie Swalla...and we've been talking about what data we plan to release, and how. During these talks...Billie brought up an interesting historical parallel.
Read more
Here's a  video showing how many asteroids we’ve discovered since 1980.  Is it accurate? No idea but we want it to be accurate, which is good enough.

In the interest of your to-do list (and wallet), we’ve adapted Stephen Covey's best-selling self-help book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" to create The Seven Habits of a Highly Successful Scientist
FOR hormone-addled teenagers, finding a date can often seem to be a matter of life and death. As it turns out, that may not be so far from the truth.
Always wanted to live out actual hordes of locusts and see what that whole Sodom place was all about?

You're in luck.  The Bible Online, a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game, is coming this September.

The first chapter of the game, Heroes, goes into open beta on September 6th and will follow the book of Genesis as players guide Abraham and his people to the promised land.

Bible Online MMO screenshots
A Cincinnati woman was simultaneously masturbating with a sex toy and watching a pornographic video while driving last week, according to cops who arrested her on assorted criminal charges.
Science is messy. Should we tell the readers? Tell our editors? Or would that discourage attention to the endeavor we love? Do we still have to follow the money?

The flurry of stories about that Gulf of Mexico oil plume–here today, gone tomorrow–is yet another example of why daily journalism (nay, hourly journalism) is a terrible way to cover science.
Chrisopher Reddy, associate scientist and director of the Coastal Ocean Institute at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, writes in CNN how hourly news can give us stories on how the huge Gulf oil spill plume might persist for years and then how the plume was basically gone, eaten by natural bacteria - and that both were studies from Science and both basically right ... and wrong.
The Forgotten Patients by Robert Langreth and Rebecca Ruiz

The mental health industry ignores the 35,000 people a year who commit suicide. A few researchers are trying to change that.
Celebrity, Sex And Fashion for women - Gawker Media's Jezebel gets some Science 2.0
What do men and women focus on when they see sexy pictures? Turns out, it's not what you'd expect.
Theoretical Physicist Marcelo Gleiser, Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy at Dartmouth College, writes about Einstein and Bohr and adds his own insight to one of my favorite series here on Science 2.0, by Don Howard - Revisiting The Einstein-Bohr Dialogue.
Start by scaring people about some digital stuff.
Then, over-hype some animal behavioral experiments that are difficult to translate to humans.

Rest on Nature Network
Body-clock gene reveals sleep cycles with just a pluck, study says.  Early bird or late riser? The mysteries of your sleep cycle may be unlocked by the hairs on your head, says this National Geographic article, and that's because the genes that regulate our body clocks can be found in hair-follicle cells, researchers have discovered.
And The Latest Word On Climate Change Is -

How to solve the climate change problem?

Invent a new word.

There!  Job done.  You can go back to sleep now.
As told by the creator at
I made the Playstation controller coffee table for my year 12 major work, as an Industrial Technology project. I made the whole controller out of Plywood, MDF and Veneer on Veneer. I used the MDF for the R and L legs and the Veneer on Veneer for the 2 analogue joysticks as the 6mm Bendy Plywood wouldn’t bend around such a small diameter. To bend around the Handles I used 6mm Bendy Plywood. To give the finish of the playstation controller coffee table I used polyurethane full gloss finish. I used White gloss for the whole controller and the Black gloss for the Buttons.