In the ongoing concern about future generations not being as intelligent as prior ones, due to computers, video games and what not (in my day it was calculators that would lead to brain rot) the many examples of creative people doing things we never would have thought of are lost.

I can't go to the pharmacy cold medicine aisle and buy Drixoral these days - I instead have to go the pharmacist and sign some document to get it and I finally, owing to the need to buy some every three years or so, asked the pharmacist why.    Turns out young people had discovered that they could make crystal meth or something from it.   Amazing.  I would never have thought of that, and I am usually the smartest guy in any room I enter.   I just used it to cure sniffles.

Creative people in India are doing their part to make younger generations smarter also.   I always thought snakebites were a bad thing - pesky Western movies taught me that, along with knowing when to fold them and when to hold them, etc.   But these folks are thinking outside the box.

Soliciting the help of a snake charmer, one man in the study cited below "described a feeling of dizziness and blurred vision followed by a heightened arousal and sense of well-being lasting a few hours; a more intense state of arousal than he would experience with pentazocine injections. The patient was not able to identify the snakes used but was apprehensive about the risks involved in the process."

No kidding?  Apprehension?  The man in that case was older than me, so perhaps it isn't younger generations getting more creative, perhaps it is just Indians.   They were always pretty smart in those Westerns too.

Citation: Katshu MZ, Dubey I, Khess CR, Sarkhel S., 'Snake bite as a novel form of substance abuse: personality profiles and cultural perspectives', Subst Abus. 2011 Jan;32(1):43-6 DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2011.540482