Twitter, in its quest to supplant Facebook among literate people and stave off a threat (or not) from GooglePlus, seems to have recently made some changes to its image utility - namely, you can now see images you have Tweeted before.

That's good.  Maybe it has been around for a while, I have no clue, I never use the actual interface because it is horrid.   Yet GooglePlus is pretty terrible also and they do not have an open API yet, which basically put Twitter on the map, because the user base could improve the Twitter experience by bypassing it.   No one can figure out Facebook.

Anyway, since I can now see images from Twitter in the past I can compile images I have Tweeted or re-Tweeted from the past, based on society's most important current topics, and place them here.   Hilarity ensues for the weekend.


Newsweek Says The Green Movement Is Dead. Sponsor: Shell Oil

Newsweek Green Is Dead
Credit: @cassierodenberg

Big Media says independent science stinks and only they can provide proper context.   Yet here is Wired and Scientific American side-by-side.  Bonus: The pic was provided by Henry Donahue, CEO of Discover.

Wired And Scientific American side-by-side


How to make love to a single woman
Credit: Arikia

Don't lie, you'd pay $60 for that book on Ebay right now.


Large pile of rocks in driveway. Available evidence suggests anthropocene origin.

Large pile of rocks in driveway. Available evidence suggests
Credit: jfleck


A Prof. P.Z. Myers strike is sponsored by Scientology.  Credit: Not sure, either @edyong209 or @pzmyers


A Buffy reference clears up a lot of organizational confusion, even in 2011. Credit: Me