
Your CO2 Is Bad For You In Your Space Suit

You don't want carbon dioxide (CO2) build up in your space suit. Even those who argue to love huge CO2 emissions into our atmosphere should learn from the AP news: Two astronauts cut short their spacewalk and hurried back to the safety of the interna ...

Blog Post - Hatice Cullingford - Jul 23 2009 - 7:46pm

Hubble Takes A Look At That Jupiter Collision

A surprising impact on Jupiter is big news this past week.   The eyes of the entire space world have been riveted on the discovery of amateur astronomer Anthony Wesley of Canberra, Australia.   Now Hubble is in on the act and has provided the clearest pict ...

Article - Hank Campbell - Jul 24 2009 - 3:20pm

Galaxy Zoo: Citizen Scientists Find 'Green Pea' Galaxies

Citizen scientists working through an online project called Galaxy Zoo have discovered a group of rare galaxies called the "Green Peas" which could lend unique insights into how galaxies form stars in the early universe. Galaxy Zoo users voluntee ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 27 2009 - 1:03pm

Perseid Meteor Shower

Enjoy star gazing? Lucky enough to be in the northern hemisphere August 11th and 12th? ...

Blog Post - Heidi Henderson - Jul 27 2009 - 6:44pm

Cosmic Dance- Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies Get A New Hypothesis

A new study in Nature offers an explanation for the origin of dwarf spheroidal galaxies, one of the current puzzles in our understanding of galaxy formation. Dwarf spheroidal galaxies are small and very faint, containing few stars relative to their total m ...

Article - News Staff - Jul 29 2009 - 2:35pm

Catching A Glimpse Of Why Black Holes Bend X-Rays

Electromagnetic radiation (light, radio waves, X-rays, and microwaves) contains a varying electric field. When we talk about Polarization of this field, we refer to its direction. A new satellite named the Gravity and Extreme Magnetism Small Explorer (GEM ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 5 2009 - 1:18pm

Betelgeuse- The True Face Of A Dying Behemoth

Betelgeuse, the second brightest star in the constellation of Orion (the Hunter), is a red supergiant, one of the biggest stars known, and almost 1,000 times larger than our Sun. To put that in perspective, if Betelgeuse were at the center of our Solar Sys ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 5 2009 - 5:39pm

Hitler's Gift To Astronomy

Hitler's gift to astronomy? What? Believe it or not, Hitler wanted to give Mussolini and Rome a planetarium*. Rome was among the first in the world to build a planetarium. Italy (and Mussolini) had already taken a planetarium as part of the 'comp ...

Article - Bente Lilja Bye - Aug 5 2009 - 9:47pm

HD 87643- Rare Class Of Star Gets Its Close Up

HD 87643, a member of the exotic class of B[e] stars, is in a very rich field of stars towards the Carina (the Keel) arm of the Milky Way. It recently became part of a set of observations that provide astronomers with the best ever picture of a B[e] star. ...

Article - News Staff - Aug 5 2009 - 5:30pm

Moon Or Mars?

One of the current questions for the future of space exploration is whether to return to the moon, or just head to Mars. Should we return somewhere we’ve been before? Or just strike out toward someplace totally new? Is there any benefit to going back to th ...

Article - Kimberly Tyree - Aug 8 2009 - 11:50pm