Bell's Future Quantum Mechanics - A Novel Interpretation

Hello! Years and years have gone by without a blog. For reasons I do not understand, I appear to...

Future Train Wreck: Mine or Modern Physics talk Next Thursday, Jan. 26

If you are in Cambridge, MA on Thursday, Jan. 26, you can see me live at MIT in room 3-270 from...

Holiday Physics Card, 2016

Just put them in the mail on December 24...It was a fun year of thinking, whether the idea is right...

Unified Mathematical Field Theory Talk

I gave a 15 minute talk at a local Americal Physical Society Meeting.  Here is the title and...

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Trying to be a semi-pro amateur physicist (yes I accept special relativity is right!). I _had_ my own effort to unify gravity with other forces in Nature. It ran into quite a number of technically... Read More »

This poem is too good to just quote the final stanza.

The Road Not Taken
By Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I write drafts on paper. It would be nice if the electronic versions of documents looked similar to the drafts. It would be even better is the same paper-like form could be used for a web site with all its menus and an eBook with all the chapters. In this blog, I will go over the technology stack I use to present the same simple text on a web site and an eBook. This works for a static web site (things are added only once in a while). One needs to be comfortable with open source software, and tweaking other people's code a little.

HTML, CSS, and Javascript

I have decided to rescind this proposal.  The swap of time t for space R and visa versa really didn't change anything: a scalar operator was still needed and the single value of time needed three subscripts, not making it look at all like time.  The exact role reversal is too exact.

In this post, I will provide the ultra orthodox fringe view (translation: just my view) on the problems that face physics when doing classical problems with gravity.  The difference between this blog and a more conventional presentation is that I will emphasize the problems instead of starting off with the leading proposals of the day.

I live in Massachusetts, home of the National Football League team the New England Patriots.  I admit to being a fan, being raised as a Minnesota Viking by two enthusiastic parents.  The Vikings have been to two super bowl 5 times (and lost 5 times, ouch).  Since 1980, I have lived in Massachusetts where the Patriots know how to win the whole thing.  Does that method involve cheating?

Each January, I scamper out of the basement and talk to folks during MIT's Independent Activities Period. The Alumni Association is the sponsor (no one from the physics or math department is inviting me).