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Dear Aaryan Dewan,

As I can see from your question, you would like to understand why light bends.

The answer is pretty simple, and due to that fact, perhaps you and other readers would like to know also why it is not already discovered.

The answer – as we will see: to this absolutely most important/essential question – could had been found already when Maxwell had discovered that the velocity of light is determined by and , and by using the Newton’s assumption that the light is made of light-corpuscles. (Of course, they are not as Newton had assumed that they are: “material corpuscles” which are “perfectly elastic and rigid”. They are energy [that is, something over what (beside over the precedence in discovery of infinitesimal calculus) Newton had dispute with Leibniz: Leibniz’s “vis viva”, that is, the energy, Newton did not accept. He considered it unnecessary, superfluous. For Newton, the definition F = dp/dt was sufficient, and F = dE/ds unnecessary. He thought that the momentum is more essential than energy]. And Maxwell knew that EM-energy is not “rigid” but rather kind of fluid thing)). Yes, we know, the Newton’s assumption about light corpuscles was abandoned, replaced with “ether”-waves, and we could say that this was why Maxwell, well, did not (want to) think about it.

But then, the answer could had been found definitely in the year 1901, right after the discovery of the law , which was the clear confirmation of that, that the light-elements are energy-corpuscles/entities/packets.

Think about each and every possible waving. In each and every case, there is not some “perfect fluid”, but the waves are always composed of the large groups of tiny particles. Ranging from groups of photons, and up to, i.e. the sand in deserts which forms wavy dunes.

Is a single photon, intrinsically, also the tiny wave? Maybe. But that what is sure, is that the energy of a free photon has constant amount (it cannot not “vanish” and “emerge out of nothing” (because of the energy conservation law), that is, "vanishing/emerging" (nor reducing/increasing) cannot be the cause of its waving), and therefore it has to have the smoothly continual bumpy (Gaussian-like) shape [for what the proof is given here: (please, read the accepted answer)]. And, the train of such Gaussian-like shapes would definitely be the wave.

And the proof which is presented at the link above, could had been derived in 1901.

Namely, just a little before Planck’s discovery, in the year 1900, Poincare had derived the equation EM_mass_density = EM_energy_density / c2
“Poincaré concluded that the electromagnetic field energy of an electromagnetic wave behaves like a fictitious fluid ("fluide fictif") with a mass density of E/c2.”

(Take some time to read this, too: )

Using this, and following the old reasonable Newton’s assumption Newton’s Query 30, as well as the law of gravitation which he had discovered, scientists of that time (in the year 1901) (and each and every scientist after them, till today) could easily do that what will be presented here: the essential explanation of why light bends, and the unification of physics on the basis of that explanation).

The explanations for that why nobody till today did not do that, are:

"The discovery of truth is prevented more effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, not directly by weakness of the reasoning powers, but by preconceived opinion, by prejudice." - Arthur Schopenhauer

Concepts that have proven useful in ordering things easily achieve such an authority over us that we forget their earthly origins and accept them as unalterable givens. Thus they come to be stamped as “necessities of thought,” “a priori givens,” etc. The path of scientific advance is often made impassable for a long time through such errors. (Einstein 1916, 102)

But, these are, as I will explain, only superficial explanations. The explanations which hide/mask the ugly truth. So, let’s shed light on the dark-side of humans. (If we do not sincerely/honestly face and expose that serious problem, which is the cause of all problems which humans have and make, we cannot overcome it).

The scientific “revolution” (the rapid acceptance of totally new scientific “truths”) which soon followed after the Planck’s discovery, was possible only because it was the time of the great World-turmoil, and when Germany was about to take over the World from British Empire.

Just one small illustration: “Einstein and Eddington“ movie ( ), dialog among Max Planck and Koppel ( ):
K: This is the Einstein you speak so highly of?
P: Yes.
K: What does he offer us?
P: He has a truly original, probing mind.
K: Questions don't win wars.
P: You have plenty of scientists who can help you practically. He is a theorist.
K: What good is theory to me?
P: After two centuries, he might just prove Isaac Newton, the greatest ever English scientist, the man who set down the laws that describe the workings of the whole universe, wrong. That's what he can give us.

The second place, behind Newton, was occupied by another British scientist: J. C. Maxwell.

As you can see in the document
Einstein, in his first attempt to calculate the gravitational deflection of light, used the, so to say, continualized version of Snell’s law (or, as it is named: the differential form, on the 32nd page of this document: ). In the document it is written that it is the “Huygens’ principle” what Einstein used. Whatever. It could be said that it is the Fermat’s principle as well – all of them lead to the same differential equation for light bending which Einstein used. That equation describes the average behavior of white light when it propagates through the medium with the continually variable refraction index. Hey, couldn’t anyone in that time think that the essence of gravitation is that: the continually variable refraction index? Of what? It was proven, with Michelson-Morley experiment, that there is no aether! Well, could not anyone see that and are the properties of the very SPACE? You know, when Einstein derived the equation for velocity of light in gravitational field, it obviously showed that his postulate “light does not need any medium for its propagation, and it always and exclusively, under all circumstances, has the constant speed c” (so, he abandoned ether, what is ok, but he also abandoned  and , that is, he dethrones Coulomb, Ampere and Maxwell) is compromised. And even he wrote about this contradiction, which he could not justify. But Germans, including Einstein himself, did not want that their “new” physics becomes based on Maxwell’s (British) discovery that the speed of light is .

Dethroning Newton, that is, scientifically dethroning/defeating the British Empire, would totally fail, if the Maxwell would take Newton’s place.
And, the Germans have deployed all their intellectual capabilities (precisely: cunningness) to avoid that. Newton and Maxwell had to fall, and new, German physics elite to take the most fundamental throne.

Why nobody of British scientists did not notice that they could keep their throne? Well, they were all in panic. Also other, non-German and non-British scientists were in panic. The whole world was in panic: Germany was on the rise in all areas (science, economy, military), preparing to make the new world order, to become new global master. Michelson-Morley experiment, Planck’s discovery, Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric effect (all of the non-German scientists expected eagerly that Millikan (who arrogantly said “That is rubbish, and I’ll prove that!”) disprove that explanation, but he failed), Eddington's confirmation of the deflection of light predicted by Einstein’s new physics, … everybody started to believe that the Germans really did discover the new, deeper physics, and they deployed all their efforts to catch up with that. But, they also wanted that it is the new physics. It was the unprecedented chance for grabbing the fundamental places in history of science for everybody! The “gold-rush” started. Bursting into the greatest massacre in history: WW I. Then came Heisenberg, and caused another irrational “scientific” hurricane. Bursting into even greater massacre in history: WW II. And all that became bloody-established “the greatest ever victories of human mind”.

And, that is essentially why and how the Newton and Maxwell became the “naïve” scientists, discoverers of “superficial” truths, and Planck, Einstein, Minkowski, Heisenberg, Schrödinger the Scientists, the inventors (pay attention: inventors, not discoverers) of “deeper, incomprehensible principles/postulates, that is, ‘truths’”.

Which all developed into the current scandalous plentitude of “the greatest ever victories of human minds”, the constant “progress” in “better and better” “understanding” of universe, pardon, multiverses (which spontaneously pop-up / vanish all over the other/higher/deeper dimensions …).

During time periods in which the World order used to be more stable, the truths had a much harder way/road to general acceptance: (this paper is very good, but lacks the proper conclusion (or deliberately avoids it – I have contacted the author, and, unfortunately, found out that he is the typical specimen, that is, the man who behaves in the same ways which he described in his own paper). And the proper conclusion is: all that (what is described in that paper, the behavior of people about truths) is so because of vanity, jealousy, conceit, perfidy/cunningness, condescension, idolatry, hypocrisy, that is: super-stupidity). (Plain stupidity is the lack of intelligence. Super-stupidity is far more dangerous. Only intelligent and knowledgeable people can be super-stupid).

Today, people have overcame that. People have surpassed that.

We live in the times of ultimate perfidy/cunningness.

In that respect, the people from previous times are naïve comparing to people who live today.

Current fundamental physicses, ALL of them: QM, QED, QCD, QFT, RQFT, strings/superstrings/branes(P,D,M, holographic M), official relativity theories, plentitude of relativity theory variations ( ), and all other, unofficial physicses, (what a mess, what chaos, the result of the fight/yearn for glory, for power, for prestige (super-stupidity)) do not have the answers which could induce the feeling “Ah, I see, I understand!”.

That is what nobody told you, Aaryan, despite they know that it is so. Those like you, those who ask such questions as your question is, those who want to understand, are (by the physicists (and/or physics students) who give answers here, on physics.stackexchange (and everywhere else, on each and every site about physics)) considered as naïve persons, you know, like kids which they do not want to discourage, but give them partial information, and advice to continue with their learning, until they realize, on their own, that trying to understand fundamental things is what clever, but still “naïve” persons, try to do. Some of such persons never succeed “to overcome” their “naiveness”, never manage to “realize” that “the ways in which universe works ‘is beyond understanding’”.

Unfortunately, not only that they (physicists) do not know, but they do not want to know, how wrong they are because they believe that “the ways in which universe works ‘is beyond understanding’”. How wrong they are because they underestimate the reason/sapience/nous/sense, and because they consider the reason/sapience as the constraint, as the naiveness, as the mind-delusion. Actually, they are those who are naïve. Super-naïve: they are educated, smart people, but who believe in magic. And, when the real truth is discovered, and it reveals that the magic is that what it is: the blunder, the deception, then they do not want to accept that truth, because that would mean that they have to accept that they were super-stupid. And they are usually in positions reserved for super-smart people. So, what would they do?


"Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, that when we grasp it - in a decade, a century, or a millennium - we will all say to each other, how could it have been otherwise? How could we have been so stupid?" - John Archibald Wheeler

No, they would rather prevent the truth. And they do prevent it.

"A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it." - Max Planck

There are several mathematical descriptions of light bending. But they are just that – descriptions. Which offer no understanding. Just like Ptolemy’s description of the motion-paths of “heavenly beings” (stars and planets): mathematical epicycles, whose cause is “the God’s will”. They described the paths of “heavenly beings” very accurately. And, many generations of scholars were upgrading/improving that, through thorough, dedicated efforts, being rewarded with high academic titles for that. There was no scientific value of that, it was – essentially – just the mysticism with the mask of science (mathematically modeled paths: epicycles), but nevertheless, that was considered as “the best of the best science”. 

Basically (and not only unfortunately, but also profoundly dangerously), it is the same with the current physicses, too.

In current physicses, the “God’s will” is substituted with its surrogates, i.e., with “uncertainty principle” (“essential” ambiguity) on the basic, micro-level, and, on the macro-level with “relativity” (another type of ambiguity, which yielded the “science” of mystical “space curving”, “caused” (inconceivably somehow) by the presence of mass).

The fundamental “truths” are “uncertain”, “ambiguous”, “spontaneous”, “relative”, “incomprehensible”, “absurd”  (“I think I can safely say that nobody understands QM” – Richard Feynman), ( )  – shortly: they are what the true truths cannot be. Each and every truth, real truth, is certain, unambiguous, non-relative, comprehensible.

And this is terrible, terribly dangerous:


“Those Who Can Make You Believe Absurdities, Can Make You Commit Atrocities” (Voltaire)

I say: those who promote absurdities, and are on high positions, immediately commit atrocities, because they impose absurdities to others, they prevent/forbid the truth. Preventing/forbidding the truth is the greatest atrocity, the most possibly terrible atrocity. The follower’s/defenders/fans of highly positioned absurdities-promoters are even more dangerous in that respect. And usually many generations are lost, wasted. The most brilliant young minds follow and develop these absurdities covered by the “science”-mask (complicated mathematical constructs), working dedicatedly, working hard. And, if the best minds, and leaders do absurdities, the bad consequences (atrocities) are global.


There are two “essential” descriptions of light bending: the QM mathematical description constructed by the magician* Richard Feynman, and “relativistic” “space-curving”.

Nobody understands that. Including the creators of these descriptions. That is what makes these descriptions to be the mathematical mysticism.

* "There are two kinds of geniuses: the 'ordinary' and the 'magicians'. An ordinary genius is a fellow whom you and I would be just as good as, if we were only many times better. There is no mystery as to how his mind works. Once we understand what they've done, we feel certain that we, too, could have done it. It is different with the magicians. Even after we understand what they have done, it is completely dark. Richard Feynman is a magician of the highest calibre." Mark Kac (

“To me it seems like “quantum theory” is in a sense like a traditional herbal medicine used by “witch doctors”. We don’t REALLY understand what is happening, what the ultimate truth really is, but we have a “cook book” of procedures and rituals that can be used to obtain useful and practical calculations (independent of fundamental truth)." - John F. Nash Jr


“A man may imagine things that are false, but he can only understand things that are true, for if the things be false, the apprehension of them is not understanding.” – Isaac Newton

But, nobody takes Newton seriously anymore – “yes, he was great, he is great”, but he is “outdated”, “naïve” scientist.

It is amazing how rational, how reasonable man was Newton, especially when one knows in what times he lived. There are many biography-books which present him as strange person (because of the perfidious stereotype that “geniuses” are usually very strange persons. The writers wanted to support the belief that – despite Newton’s scientific discoveries are simple, comprehensible – these discoveries “were the result of over-reasonable way, magical/mystical way of thinking”), but if a reasonable person reads any of his scientific papers (i.e., read just this:, or here ), the reasonable person sees how carefully, reasonably, profoundly, he separated science from any kind of mysticism/occultism/religion (irrational ways of “thinking”, that is, the misusing/abusing the mind, self-deceiving). He put the reason/sapience/nous as the most important, most essential thing concerning science.


“We build too many walls and not enough bridges”. – Isaac Newton

That is, people tend to mystify things, to distinguish/separate themselves from “the lesser minds”, and not to demystify things, to explain things, to help everybody to become reasonable, to understand.


“If I’ve ever made any valuable discoveries, it was more due to patient attention than to any other talent.” – Isaac Newton

Attention to what? To the causes and effects, to notice/see the true causes, that is, he tried to apply/see/discover reason/ratio/nous/sense, to demystify things, to push away the mysticism, to eliminate the mysticism, irrationality, nonsense. He was trying to understand things. And every reasonable person can understand what he did – most important of that what Newton did, today is taught in primary schools already. Not because our species became smarter, but because it is comprehensible, understandable, like any true truth is. True truths are always simple, and extremely mighty/powerful, and knowing/understanding them is what could enable welfare and prevention of bad/evil things (irrational acts of people).
The so called “genius”-title is what people give to others in order to hide their own super-stupidity. For the vast majority of people, for almost all people, “genius” means “his mind works in over-reasonable way, ‘visionary’ way, ‘mysterious’ way, ‘magic’ way, ‘spiritual’ way, ‘divine’ way”. And, actually, his mind works in a perfectly rational, purely reasonable way. Comprehensible to everyone (to the average intelligent people). But, only after they patiently analyze what that reasonable person did. Unfortunately, the common way of teaching does not consist of explaining how and why one comes to the discovered truths, but the truth is usually written on table, and the students are taught how to use it to solve higher level problems. I.e. the teacher writes on the table the list of basic integral equations, and teach the students how to use them in order to solve more complicated integrals. It very rarely happens that some student takes time to derive each and every basic integral on his own, and to thoroughly think about what and why he is doing while he is doing that. And, what happens when some student does that? When such student goes in front of the table, he solves the integral equations in one line on the table, while others, by performing rituals of trying/guessing which elementary integral(s) to use for transformations, write the whole table. And they think that the student which solves that in one line has some special, advanced brain. But, the truth is that the teacher was lazy, and they were lazy. Teacher not interested/willing to explain things thoroughly, and students not interested/willing to understand things deeper. They follow the standard procedure: teacher: “this is how you should do that”, and students “ok, I will learn the procedure, and please the teacher, and get good grade”.
It is even worse on faculty. When I had the course of QM, the professor wrote the Schrödinger’s equation on the table. Like it is some supernatural wonder. When I asked how one comes to that equation, the answer was, essentially, “that is the result of ingenious Schrödinger’s mind”. And then we learned the elementary examples of how to use it. It was in the ‘90s, the internet was not available yet, and each of the books which I found in the library used to do the same: talking about the two-slit experiment "magic", and using the Schrödinger equation to “solve that incomprehensible problem”. Only many years later I found in some book (I think it was Weinberg’s) that this equation was postulated, “educated guess”, and it was shown how it was postulated, and then I saw (on my own) that, actually, one could use other equations, i.e. combinations of Gaussians, or sin x /x, or other orthogonal wavy functions, and to get the proper description of the “mystery” of wavy distributions of “probabilities of appearance of things”. Which explained nothing, and plus, just like the Schrödinger’s equation, were producing total absurdities, too. So, all that is the pure mathematical exhibitionism, pure mathematical mysticism, astrology-like, numerology-like. Where the whys are inconceivable.


People do not value reason/sapience/nous. People do not value clarity, simplicity. That is something “ordinary”, “plain”.

People are the species eager to misuse, species inclined to mysticism, species which values pomp, empty rituals and profusion, that is, the species which prefers forms/formalities and disdains essence, and which prefers incomprehensibility and complexity, and disdains comprehensibility and simplicity.
Homo-irrational, Homo hypocrite. Homo—super-stupid.


“Our civilized world is nothing but a great masquerade. You encounter knights, parsons, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, priests, philosophers and a thousand more: but they are not what they appear - they are merely masks... Usually, as I say, there is nothing but industrialists, businessmen and speculators concealed behind all these masks.” ― Arthur Schopenhauer

“In savage countries they eat one another, in civilized they deceive one another; and that is what people call the way of the world!” ― Arthur Schopenhauer

What is the most disappointing and dangerous, is the fact that people do that deliberately, wittingly, consciously. That is the way to "success"! Morbid.

Reasonable person is the person whose intelligence is driven with the person’s goodness (love, true moral, true ethics), and whose goodness (love, true moral, true ethics) is led by the person’s intelligence.

Reasonable person can be built: by proper upbringing and proper education.

Reasonable person is a person who is trained (brought up and educated) to control its primitive urges (fear, greed, lechery, jealousy, vanity, conceit, …, in a word: vices). One can accomplish that only if one learns to really, properly distinguish good from bad/evil, virtue from vice, and if one really understands the consequences of vices, and if one learns to control/tame her/his own primitive urges, her/his own vices. The most dangerous area is the gray area among the dark area of vices, and white area of virtue. And that is the area where the vast majority of people, so to say, operate. You know, when one is in the dark area, he is easily recognized. One cannot go around and do bad things. But, if he operates in the gray area, manipulation-area, conspiracy-area, cunningness-area, hypocrisy-area, that is the true danger.

Very often people use the word “ambition”. That is the relativizing, perfidious way to mask everything what people try to accomplish. On the ruling positions, and there is almost no exception in that respect, come the most perfidious people: most of the intelligent people use their intelligence to fulfil their vices, that is, “ambitions”, “needs”. Our species is the homo-vain/conceited, led by the “best” of them: homo-perfidious/cunning. And among them live a small, negligible group of “deviated”, of “degenerate”: homo-reasonable.


The true explanation of why light bends is unique and universal: it explains (properly explains, in the way which causes the feeling “I see, I understand!”. The goal of science is understanding of the world we live in. The goal of science is to make people reasonable.) ALL cases when light bending occurs (ranging from the way in which matter is formed, and up to and including the gravitational light bending).

Let us suppose that we have some 3D entity (3D object), which moves along some path. It moves due to some type of interaction of that entity with the medium through which it moves. And, let us suppose that that interaction is such that the entity’s left side moves (a bit) faster than its right side.

What would happen?

Well, that entity would turn to right. (The conclusion based on reality (truth), healthy reasoning, understanding).

Although it is not quite proper analogy, but we can call it useful: see the page 8. in the document which I have found on internet:

A photon, of course, is not like it is presented in this document, but photon is the 3D entity.

Not because I say so, but because the rational interpretation of the laws of nature and the properly applied infinitesimal calculus say so: please see the accepted answer at

It contains the logically-mathematically-physically perfect, undeniable proof that a photon has to be 3D entity. And, as I said at the beginning of this post, this proof could had been derived already in the year 1900.


Some of the plentitude of the current, actual, official fundamental physicses treat a photon as a wavy ambiguous distributions of probability of its “appearance” (throughout the universe (“it takes all possible paths”)), and some treat a photon as a “point-like particle”. So, two absolutely drastically different ways to treat the same thing. And both are considered as valid/legitimate. Both of them are the result of postulates, with no physical evidence (actually, physical evidence deny these postulates. But, the theories of authorities are based on these postulates. All what is written in university books, from which students learn about photons, about fundamental things, is based on these postulates. And a few more of them. If the authorities would abandon them, then the high titles and high/respected positions which they got by applying and developing these postulates would be threatened, compromised. So, they start to behave cunningly: they do not abandon wrong ideas, but they start to tweak them, to twist them, to modify them. With “new/insightful/bold ideas”, “educated guesses”).

The accepted answer at reveals that – essentially, physically (that is, from the aspect of reality) – such postulates are wrong (imposed by academic authorities, and not by the only valid authority: physical reality, the truth).

“Amicus Plato — amicus Aristoteles — magis amica veritas. (Plato is my friend — Aristotle is my friend — but my greatest friend is truth.)” – Isaac Newton

"Observe and think in order to discover the truth. Do not believe what is contrary to reason and never deceive yourself or others."


And now do the google-search:,ssl&ei=fe7dVZ37BMSdsAGuoqjABA#q=photon+cross+section

I will outline the content of the links which you got by this search, and you can check on your own if I talk sense or not:

That what the articles which you’ve got by the previous google-search-link talk about, is the “effective” cross-section of interaction of a photon with other (non-photon) particles. But now we know that it is the real cross section. And that is what experiments show: that the cross-section of a photon exists, and that they (cross-sections) have small, but finite sizes, and that higher-energy-photons have smaller cross-section than the lower-energy-photons.

We also know that the photons have length.

So, photons are 3D entities, with finite dimensions. Not “effectively”, but truly, really. Photon is the 3D energy-packet which has finite dimensions.

The higher-energy-photons are both shorter (as both experiments and Planck’s equation confirm/claim/state), and narrower (as the experiments show) than the lower-energy-photons. Hence, the higher-energy-photons have the higher energy density than the lower-energy-photons. More precisely: the higher-energy-photons have both higher energy and smaller volume, so their energy density boosts both with the energy amount and with smaller volume.

Also this confirms that. 

In short:

-          first, the n-numbers on that link are not “quantum numbers” – they have the true physical meaning: they are the numbers which denote the EM-wave numbers (number of amplitudes of standing waves) (see this: );

-          second: the collections of photons which have higher energy make the denser energy distributions than the collections of photons which have lower energy.

That implies that also a single photon which has higher energy is denser than a single photon which has lower energy.

That what determines the velocity of photons

[or, more essentially, that what energy of a photon interacts with (couples with), that what enables the existence/motion of a photon (there are no photons which do not move, so, existence and motion of a photon are inseparable things)],
are the most essential, inherent, electromagnetic properties of the basic (fundamental) MEDIUM through which a photon propagates (with which a photon couples):

-          electric permittivity (omnidirectional lengthwise capacitance) 
-          and magnetic permeability (omnidirectional lengthwise inductance) 
of SPACE (more precisely: of SPACETIME) (so, not of the blunder called “aether”, and not of its surrogate “quantum foam” or whatever other “quantum”-speculation, but of the SPACETIME).

Why of SPACETIME? Well, look at the equation: we have spatial component ds (it is, so to say, omnidirectional, that is, ds is about (or: stands for; or: denotes) any infinitesimal line segment in/of space), we have time dt, and we have , and we have . Without any single of these components, the spacetime cannot be defined properly. (Later, we will see that there is absolutely no need for Minkowski’s spacetime postulate (idea, educated guess, that is, the speculation, which does not explain anything, but only mystifies things, only prevents the discovering of truths, only prevents understanding)).

And, in the longtime known, experimentally tested/verified, the most fundamental equation of electromagnetics

which unified all electromagnetic phenomena (radio-waves, visible and invisible light, gamma-rays),

[and all that was simply discarded by pure speculation, arbitrary speculation, unreasonable idea, incomprehensible postulate:

“a photon does not need any medium for its propagation ( : “Particles obviously do not need a medium to travel, and thus, neither did light.”),

and it moves always and exclusively with a constant speed c” .

Unfortunately, due to the fact that c is huge, the mathematical derivations based on this unreasonable, incomprehensible, physically ungrounded postulate/idea/speculation, yielded the equations which are very good approximations of reality.]

we have another, in that equation not visible component: the energy.

Namely, that equation is about the propagation velocity of a photon, that is, of fundamental energy-entity, but, there is more. What? Where? How? Why?

Well, there are longtime and well known empirical EM equations:

So, in the presence of matter,  and   have higher values.

What, essentially, is matter? It is the energy-package.

So,  and   are the consequences of the presence of energy and  react to the presence of matter. Why? How? Let’s find out the only reasonable answer.

We know that materials are made of atoms.

Atoms are made of electrons and atom-core.

Atom-core is made of protons and neutrons.

Protons are uud quark-combination. Neutrons are udd quark-combination.

(By the way, let us recall that all fundamental components of matter (electron, u-quark, d-quark) have charge (EM-property)).

And, we know that all of them take the small fraction of the material’s total volume, that is, the most of material’s volume is empty space. So,  and  are the average, or better: effective, values of electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of that empty space.

The properties 

and  are essential EM properties of SPACE, and not of the materials.

and  is that what is essential for existence/manifestation of elementary EM energy, that is, of a photon. So, it is logical that the presence of material, that is, presence of its constituents (atoms), which are the energy packages, also interact with and  of the space in which these energy packages are. And we see that this interaction manifests as the increase of and . 

Estimated mass-densities m/V [kg/m3], that is energy (E = mc2) densities E/V [J/m3] of all matter-elements are huge:


So, what would be the simplest way to achieve the fastest possible and huge energy density increase in some small space-volume?

Well, by confrontation of two gamma-photons.

During such confrontation, the very small space-volume would be exposed to the fastest possible and very focused and intensive energy shock – from the state “I am empty and idle” it would suddenly come into the state “I am shocked! I am experiencing the fastest possible and huge and focused energy impact, confrontational impact”.

Isn’t it logical to expect that such an event has some effect? Which/what effect? Well, we do not have much choice: we have two gamma-photons (which are 3D-entities) and the tiny volume of SPACE in which they confront, and this SPACE has properties and  . So, such an event may affect and  . How? Well, according to what was said previously (that is, according to the reality facts), we will investigate the case that they increase.

So, that can explain why and  of the space within materials (i.e. optical prisms) have higher values than they have outside these materials.

That would also explain the phenomenon known as reactive power ( ) (It occurs in the cases of the flow of AC, so there is inevitable reflecting of EM energy, that is there are confrontations of energy flows.).

That would also properly explain, i.e., the light-interference.

Actually, that would explain the whole world.

The increase of the values of and  may only and exclusively be at the expense of the energies of confronting photons: part of the energies of the confronting photons would transform into the increase of and  (and, as we will soon see, that, effectively, forms the binding energy).

According to what is said and explained at , the energy distribution of photon’s energy is some smoothly continual bump (smooth means: it has all derivatives, all of them are finite, and all of them have unambiguous value). Photons velocity is finite. So, the increase of and  may only be smoothly continual, too.

That can be represented in the following way:

Picture 1 (two—gamma-photons—whirl formation)

The upper part of the picture is the view above of two gamma-photons which approach each other, and the lower part of the picture is the front-view of that, and which depicts what happens with and  in the area of confrontation of two gamma-photons.


The final stage of the presented confrontation (upper-right picture-part) is the two-photons-whirl.

That is the third of the following three possible outcomes:

1)      smaller or greater change of direction of the propagation of two gamma-photons, after which they fly away

2)      temoprary (instable) whirling, after which photons fly away

3)      stable whirl

Why would any of these changing of photon-paths occur/happen?


Previously, in this post, it was written:

Let us suppose that we have some 3D entity (3D object), which moves along some path. It moves due to some type of interaction of that entity with the medium through which it moves. And, let us suppose that that interaction is such that the entity’s left side moves (a bit) faster than its right side.

What would happen?

Well, that entity would turn to right.

Picture 2 (photon’s path bending explanation)

Looking from left to right, the distribution of and  is such that and  increase.

According to Maxwell’s equation , looking from left to right, the distribution of allowed propagation velocities decrease.

So, the only thing which can happen with the propagation-path of EM-energy-package of finite size (photon), is that its path starts to bend to the right (shortly and simply said, it is because the allowed propagation velocity on photon’s left side is greater than the allowed propagation velocity on its right side).

The energy-package which we call photon, is stable enough so that it does not disperse in such circumstances (moving through its essential habitat, through its essential medium – through the spacetime – does not cause dispersion of a photon). Why it does not disperse, you can read here:

(in short: the smoothly continual Gaussian-like (bumpy) energy distribution (and, as it is explained at the given link, it has to be such, the smoothly continual bump) is self-maintainable: in each its point, such energy distribution inherently exerts the force (F = dE/ds) whose direction is inherently towards the center of that distribution).

A photon is an entity which is stable enough, enough that it cannot be dispersed by the variation of and . That is what reality confirms.


So, we have proved, without any possibility for any reasonable doubt about that, that the formation of two photons whirl is possible.

And that is how matter is formed:

-          electrons and positrons are the simplest whirls, the two—gamma-photons—whirls

-          uud and udd quark combinations are interlaced gamma-photons whirls (that is why the quarks  are the so called confined particles (particles which cannot exist separately/individually)).

For more details (for answers on each major question/doubt you may have about this (i.e. about the charge, about stability of the whirl, about its mass, inertia, about how comes that the result of “annihilation” of positron and electron are only 2 gamma-photons, when positron is the 2-photons-whirl and electron is the 2-photons-whirl, …)), please see

and/or “The gem” text-series at

and/or ask me.

So, here, in this post essentially, and in the texts to which the previous two links lead in more detail, it is explained what really stands behind all of the following (what is the true explanation of the following): (see the last paragraph on the last page (page 54).
Newton’s Query 30


A photon which goes into/out-of an optical prism along some direction which is not perpendicular to the prism surface, changes its propagation direction.

and  values of the spacetime within an optical prism are different from and values of the spacetime outside the prism.

Increased values of and  properties of the spacetime within the prism are consequences of superpositioned influences of the huge number of elementary particles which constitute the prism – that is how the spacetime reacts to the prism constituents.

The prism surface and its nearest vicinity form a thin transitional spacetime domain (transitional –domain).

„Thin“ means that its length in the direction which is perpendicular on the prism surface is, i.e., several atom/molecule diameters long (both inside and outside of the prism).

„Transitional“ means that within that domain and  change their values.

In the into-the-prism direction, and  increase.

In the out-of-the-prism direction, and  decrease.

That transition is sudden, but it can, only and exclusively, be smoothly continual.

The change of photon’s propagation direction occurs within that thin transitional spacetime domain, that is, the change of photon’s propagation direction occurs there where the change (increase/decrease) of and/or  occurs along the photon’s propagation direction.

The reason why photon’s path bends in this case is the same as it is already explained (see Picture 2 and the explanation below it).

It is also the explanation of why photon’s path bends while it passes very near the edge of some body, or through hole(s), or through slits (single slit, double slits, slits of refraction gratings).

That explanation (see Picture 2 and the explanation below it), as it is already said, is universal (and soon we will use it to explain the gravitational deflection of light, too)



Why do the paths of photons which have higher energy bend more than the paths of photons which have lower energy?


For descriptive purpose only, for setting-up (directing) the mind in the direction of understanding, let us consider the following, usefulanalogy’:

We have a longer bike with bigger wheels, and a shorter bike with smaller wheels.

The wheels of the shorter bike have tires which make the better/stronger grip with the road than do the tires of the longer bike.

Both bikes move with the same velocity.

Both bikes turn the front wheel for the same amount (angle).

Which one will turn more?

Well, the bike which is shorter and which has smaller wheels with tires which make better/stronger grip with the road, will turn more (its path will bend more).


Higher energy photons are shorter, and denser (have better/stronger grip with their “road”: and  properties of spacetime).



Now, what’s left is the gravitation.

Before that, again, take some time to read completely the accepted answer at


The true equations of gravitational electro-magneto-mechanics are derived (simply, clearly, with secondary-school math) in the, so to say, “top-bottom” way, at

and in the “bottom-top” way (simply, clearly, with secondary-school math), at


The so called classical tests of general relativity


-          the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit.
The simple (secondary-school-math, and using the true equations of gravitational electromagnetomechanics), true explanation and calculation is here: 

-          the deflection of light by the Sun.
The simple (secondary-school-math, and using the true equations of gravitational electromagnetomechanics), true explanation and calculation is here:

-          the gravitational redshift of light (Pound-Rebka experiment).
The simple (secondary-school-math, and using the true equations of gravitational electromagnetomechanics), true explanation and calculation, is here:


One of the, so called, modern tests, is the Light travel time delay (Shapiro time delay)

The simple (secondary-school-math, and using the true equations of gravitational electromagnetomechanics), true explanation and calculation is here:


And the proof (secondary-school-math, very simple) that Einstein’s GR is not in accordance with the energy conservation law, and that the new, true gravitational electromagnetomechanics is in accordance with the energy conservation law, is here:

(search (Ctrl-F) for the word another and start reading from there)

First, when I derived it, I did not believe that nobody did the same derivation, already in the year 1916, when Schwarzschild found the “exact” solution for gravitational time and length. I searched and I searched. Without success. I had found only the highly abstract tensorial exhibitions/manipulations which “proved” that energy conservation law, well, is not violated (or better, “tends to be fulfilled”).

When I sent my paper for publishing, 6 years ago, I thought that the explicit energy-conservation-law-violation-proof is the ultimate proof, the one because of which scientists would simply not dare to neglect the content of the paper.

I simply could not imagine that any reasonable person may allow itself to think that something can emerge out of nothing, and that something can be turned into nothing, and let alone that any true scientist may think that.

You know, as a kid, I was trying for two years, to invent the “more-energy-out—then—in” machine. As soon as I learned something new from physics and/or chemistry (in primary school), I tried to use that in order to find a new idea, or to improve some of the previous ideas. I filled the 80-pages of A4 notebook with ideas. Until it finally became clear in mind that not even the perpetual mobile is possible to make, and let alone some “more-energy-out—then—in” machine. That the world/universe is perpetuum mobile, and that only at absolute-0 temperatures one could make some device in which some energy circles endlessly. I have realized how stupid I was to think that something could emerge out of nothing. At the age of 14 (8th grade of primary school).

But, what scientists – and not other, but the top-notch scientists – really do think about the energy conservation law is explicitly said in the last paragraph of Ljuboš Motl’s answer (accepted answer) at

Total, absolute madness. Creepy. Horrible. We are led by total nuts, and most people are proud of them, most people admire them. And they are proud of themselves. They are full of themselves.


Relativity theories and QM are not in accordance with the energy conservation law. The most explicit, and absolutely undeniable (logically-mathematically-physically) proof for non-accordance of GR is already presented. So, forget about relativity. About space-“curving”. Please. Be reasonable.

And the QM and its derivatives are, actually, the mathematical sieve, whose infinity-holes are chopped by the so called “renormalizations”.  That is pseudo-mathematics. Pseudo-physics. Pseudo-science. Mysticism. Super-Stupidity.

The Dirac’s “upgrading” (tweaking, twisting) of the energy conservation law, his idea, called also “the bold idea”, about “spontaneous” “creation” of imaginary virtual particle pairs, one with positive and one with “negative” energy, statistically tend to 0-balance. Due to “uncertainty” principle, “it happens” that there emerge pairs which are not completely balanced, but, on the average, statistically, all that tends to 0-amount. But, standard deviation of that is what “creates” the non-zero amount of “0-ground energy”. 

Please, see through this blunder! It only looks reasonable. Energy cannot, in no way, emerge out of nothing, and in no way it can vanish! And there cannot exist particles with negative energy. Please, read my answer at . It does not matter that it was the Dirac, the brilliant mathematician, the great authority, who said what he said – that what he said is wrong! It is ill-thinking: everything what is not in absolute accordance with energy conservation law is ill! Please, do not accept/adopt ill things, no matter how fancy/attractive/enchanting they may be. Be reasonable.

And, why does gravitational potential energy appears to be negative?

So, let us explain “why is gravitational force only and exclusively attractive?”

Let there be two two-gamma-photons-whirls in the gravitational field of, i.e., the Earth. The rotation-axis of one of them is perpendicular to the radius  whose origin is the center of Earth. The rotation-axis of the other is parallel with the .

The gravitation field is the space whose and  decrease with the distance  from the source of gravitation.

A photon’s path, as it was explained, will tend to bend in the direction in which and increase. Two-photons-whirl has its inner distribution of  and , due to which two photons do whirl. In addition to that inner distribution, there is now also the outer, gravitational distribution. So, each of the photons in the whirl will also turn a bit in the direction in which the outer and  increase. That is, two-photons-whirl as a whole will move towards the gravitation source.

Picture 3: Two-photons-whirl in the gravitational field (the answer to “Why gravity attracts, and only attracts?”)



Let us summarize that what is presented so far.


The most essential phenomena in universe are:

-          gamma-photons
Actually, the photons in general, but we take a subset of them, the gamma-photons, because that is what matter is made of: (see the last paragraph on the last page (page 54).
Newton’s Query 30

electric permittivity (omnidirectional lengthwise capacitance) of SPACE (actually, of SPACETIME)

magnetic permeability (omnidirectional lengthwise inductance) of SPACE (actually, of SPACETIME)

In short (taking the first letter of each):


(and which has quite appropriate meaning in English)


All what is said/written here can be, unambiguously, and absolutely non-arbitrarily, outlined (essentialized) in the following way:

The universe is the perfect EM-continuum (smoothly continual)

The essential attributes of existence are: energy, space, time

There are two essential constraints: Fmax and Vmax, which have huge values (and which enable that EM continuum is the smooth continuum, in which ambiguities are absolutely impossible, which is strictly causal, and all that equivalents to the energy conservation law),

and there are 4 small values: : h, , G, which complete all that, “close the circle”, establish all necessary connections of all that.

In such continuum, the basic shape can only and exclusively be the smoothly continual bump (Gaussian, and Gaussian-like, bell-shape, which is, unlike the Gaussian, spatially constrained. These shapes are the shapes of  and  distributions (Gaussian), and the photon’s and photon–whirls’ energy distributions (spatially constrained Gaussian-like)).

Interaction of elementary entities is, essentially, the convolution.

And, finally, we have the elementary real-energy entities:


and photons-whirls (the essential matter).


The essential laws are:

1)      The energy conservation law


3)       (the elementary convolution of energy and time)

4)       (the convolution of EM-energy and EM-properties of spacetime)



Graphically, all that looks like this:


As for 11. it is important, the most important, to emphasize that all that is the result of REASON (of purely reasonable thinking, absolutely non-mystical thinking. The only way of thinking which can discover the truths).



Soon (let us say, in 100 years from now), we will be able to travel to other star-systems similar to our Solar system.

Since, according to energy conservation law, the Universe does not have beginning, nor end in time – [it exists NOW (that is the only time in which Universe exists, in which Universe may exist), and the NOW always was, and always will be] – in some period(s), long time before NOW, we were most probably visited by some advanced civilization. Because, I have found that the knowledge presented here was [according to this (read there the one before the last text-paragraph)] given (transferred) to us (that is to Enoch, and he transferred it to his people) about 10 to 12 thousands years ago.

(Please, read this:


Unfortunately, Jewish scholars decided to keep it secret, for themselves, instead to spread it. Also, they have mystified it (distorted it) very, very much (which was the result of their selfishness and conceit, arrogance, wish to rule the world) so they have caused that it completely becomes bad for themselves. It became the worst kind of mysticism. I am talking about Jewish elites, and not about Jewish people in general.

Yes, they were chosen (the knowledge was given to them), but not to rule and dominate other people and nations, but to spread the truth to everybody. Their conceited, arrogant belief that they are “chosen” to rule the world ( ) is that what left from that. Evil. The result of their greed, stinginess, and arrogance. And bold readiness to use you, to trick you, to deceive you, in perfidious ways (as they are proverbially known. I had personal experience, too. I have done then a thorough investigation of the reasons for that unpleasant experience. Everything (including my personal experience) confirms that they use the methods which are exactly described in . Just make a short, superficial internet survey about who holds (and/or has significant influence/control in) majority of major/leading high-tech companies and financial institutions. Which they built with methods described in  . (Also, one of the most influential persons in creating socialistic Yugoslavia was the Jew Moša Pijade – as you can read in , behind all socialistic projects were Jews. Socialism is good, but they knew that it was made in circumstances when and where the people were not yet, so to say: mentally mature, so that it will end by destruction of all these countries, which will, at the end, lead to that, that the Jewish financial institutions will financially enslave them, will put them under their control. And that the socialism will disturb the national identity of these nations (which, in these countries, was tightly connected with their religion (orthodox Christianity)) (again, exactly as it is written in Despite it may appear that the things do not develop exactly in accordance with these plans, still, the progress/result can nevertheless be called as ‘pretty successful’, or, at least, as ‘promising’). Again, I am talking about Jewish elites, and not about Jewish people in general. The elites of other nations are also cunning, also evil, but the Jewish are more cunning.


They have also twisted the 10 commandments. To suit their prejudices and their vanity.

(You know, Moses broke the original stone-tablets, in anger. Most probably because some of the Jewish erudites noticed that what is written on them may be translated/interpreted in the same way which will be presented here).

1. You shall have no other gods before Me.

    Wrong! The right is:
(just remove the word "other", and instead of "before" put "but", and instead of "Me" put: truth)

    You shall have not any Gods, but you shall honor the truth, seek the truth.

2. You shall not make idols.

   Not good enough.

  The right one:

   Do not follow someone's charm and/or charisma and/or authority, but follow the truth

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God, in vain.
   No. The right one is:

   Do not take the name of the God (do not pray to God, call the God, ask for God’s help), because that is in vain (it is both the act of vanity and the act which has no effect, which is in vain, which will not help you or anybody)

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

   Better one:

   Do your job good, but also take a good rest.

5. Honor your father and your mother.

   Good one.

6. You shall not murder.

   Good one.

7. You shall not commit adultery.

   Good one.

8. You shall not steal.

   Good one.

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

   Why just “your neighbor”?

   You shall not bear false witness.

10. You shall not covet.

  Good. But better is:

   Control your urges with your reason (intelligence driven by goodness)


It is especially important to debunk this (which goes with the 1. and 2.):

"You shall not worship them (other gods, nor idols) or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me ...”

This is actually the twisted/misinterpreted warning that vanity (and its sister: jealousy) causes that many generations suffer, i.e.:

-          the children and grandchildren of parents who are conceited/jealous/ (who have, i.e. NPD ( ) – only the third, or even fourth generation can overcome this mental disorder (but only in the healthy social-environment), because the children of NPD-parents (it is enough than one parent has NPD) very often become NPD-persons, too). In the family with an NPD-member, the NPD-member conducts almost constant psycho-terror upon other family members. (find (Ctrl-F): “If family members are narcissists, you have my deep sympathy”, and read that paragraph – it should be enough that you get the picture.

-          the generations after wars (which are the result of vanity/jealousy/greed/wantonness/”ambition”-rampage of elites)

If one would conduct the psychoanalysis of the members of elites (on the basis of historical documents), throughout the history of mankind, I am sure that it would show that the 99.9999% of them had acute NPD.

And, today, the situation is worse than ever in that respect.



By the way, the best 10 commandments which I have found, are here:


So, we do not need God(s). What we need, is to be good, reasonable people.

Gods are the product of fear and ignorance.

For those who cannot abandon their belief/faith in Good, Merciful God, I suggest that they let him die there where He is now: in their imagination, and let they start to do good, reasonable things, so that He can resurrect in their reality, as the Good Merciful Society/Civilization, that is, let Him become we, let us become good and merciful He.

Let the evil become the warning/scary/creepy memory of our psychopathological past, and let the goodness become reality, our mentally-healthy-NOW (-and-KNOW/understand), which will last forever.

In other words: let the Satan and Good Merciful God switch their current habitats – it is up to us, not up to them.

Almost all religions recognize that the teaching of Jesus is the teaching about the importance of love.

That what one has to do is to direct the one’s love towards understanding. True understanding.

Now we have everything we need to understand the world we live in.

We have no more excuses not to become truly reasonable.


The more reasonable people there are, the better the world would be.

Reasonable people are immune to any kind of demagogy. So, the deceiving (self, and others) will be prevented. Reasonable people are reliable, cooperative, in a word: good. Reasonable people do not do bad things, and prevent – in reasonable ways – others to do bad things.




So, the essential cause of all evil, is psychological. Accurately said: psychopathological. Concretely: vanity, jealousy, conceit, perfidy/cunningness, condescension, idolatry, hypocrisy (this is not the final list of vices, of course - evil has many faces).

The very essence of that is fear. Most essentially, it is the fear for life, the survival urge. What becomes bad about that, is that there is the higher level – when there is no more reasons to fear for life, starts the fight for “better” positions, for “prestige”. The wish to win, to gain more than one really needs. Greed. Jealousy. Cunning conspiracies.

Scientific prestige is the most valued prestige. It enables economy-prestige, military prestige. Power to subordinate others. To enslave others, because the one who achieves the prestige, starts to adore herself/himself, and to disdain others. It goes up, not only to the national, but to the international, global level. So, generally, people are mentally ill creatures. Generally, they are unreasonable. The most dangerous thing is that the most unreasonable people are those who belong to “elites” (financial, military, politics, science, culture, …). They are often highly intelligent people, but their intelligence is driven by their vanity, conceit, so they are not reasonable: they are cunning. Perfidious.

Unfortunately, that cannot be cured. But, that could be prevented: by proper upbringing and proper education of the future generations, and by positive, transparent selection for leader-positions. That upbringing and education must be done by reasonable people, people who are psychologically healthy (people who are capable to tame their primitive urges, and who can teach others to do that. People who are intelligent, and whose intelligence is driven by their goodness (true moral, true ethics)). Alas, it is hard to find such people. (Also, the equal difficulty comes from that, that cunning people are able to pretend to be reasonable). And even if the reasonable people would manage to connect, and would organize their school(s), that would be destroyed as soon as that would become the threat for the established “order”, the threat for the positions of the members of current elites. Even in the very USA, the cunningness-world-leader, there are small communities of reasonable people (i.e.,_Virginia , and just a few others. They are allowed to exist because they are very small communities, and most of USA citizens do not even know that they exist. And even those who know, consider that as utopia-experiments, and which only show that it is possible only as a negligible exception. “Deviation”. Such “deviations” do not pose a threat to the USA-system. They are small, isolated. And they pay taxes. So, they are ok (if they do not decide to grow/spread (significantly)).