Schwan's, which is the largest supplier of pizza to the National School Lunch Program and works with approximately three-quarters of the nation's schools, both public and private, announced plans in April for a 10 percent sodium reduction in all of its school pizzas by fall 2011. With Big Daddy's brand, a multiple-pizza line which makes up about one-third of the company's school pizza business, the goal was met a year early and with a higher sodium reduction.2Big Daddy Pizza's sodium content will be cut by 15 percent to 25 percent in time for the coming school year. The rest of the pizza is on schedule to meet the 2011 goal.
Pizza the Hut says, Less salty pizza is good for you, kids!
1 Well, ah, dreamt one mornin'
That I woke up to see
All the pepperoni pizza
Was a-lookin' at me.
It screamed, "Why do you
Burn me and serve me up cold?"
I said, "I got the spatula,
Just do what you're told."
- "Lunch Lady Land," by Adam Sandler
2 Minneapolis St. Paul Business Journal