Holism ,comes from the Greek word meaning (all,entire,total) . Holistic medicine has become popular over the years using different forms of healing ; herbs and diet, better cognitive thinking with meditation or prayer. Acupuncture has become popular and Chiropractic methods have been mentioned in the category of holistic healing . Any safe form that is possible to heal the body and mind in natural ways for example special diet with vitamins and herbal remedies I been looking into more.
What really got my curiosity one day I was watching a lecture on the "Research Channel" on cable television - you will have to take my word for this ; this is not a study that needs references and data right now I am blogging .
They have funds now for scientist to study and investigate "holistic medicine" because of its success happening and popularity . The first lecture with charts ,statistics and proof was about herbal treatments and they did test on aid's and cancer patients . They gave the patients St. John's wort that has been known to treat depression for years along with other disorders . When St. John's wort was given to the patients it was found to work for most that were tested ; the problem was side affects occurred and reactions because of the regular medication the patients had be on for cancer and aids. They do and have known that there are several (many herbal ) remedies ,however when mixed with pharmaceutical drugs you will have side effects . Now the study is how can we find a way to use synthetic drugs and herbal drugs together ?
I have to admit I am sort of new studying this and it is not my field , other than I do understand plants some .
Right now I take 2 synthetic drugs per day and 1 compound per day , for Bipolar disorder , PTSD and seizure disorder. There is an interest on my part in herbal remedies and two doctors I am acquainted with as friends brought holistic medicine and herbal medicine to my interest . My seizure disorder there is no sign of any brain damage or injury and has just come about in the last 5 years . I was told by one visitor to my house one day how a family member of theirs had epilepsy and went to a Chiropractor ? My doctor friend Dr. Richard Weber L.Ac. O.M.D., Ph.D in Escondido CA . 92025 who is a holistic doctor of medicine now ; he thinks there are easy alternatives to my Bipolar medication and PTSD . My other doctor friend that I call and work for in exchange for advice Dr. Janet Miller in Iowa , believes in a healthy organic diet , life style and herbs, but most of all essential vitamins and minerals and fats (brain food).
I have a lot to add on this topic because it gets into the Pharmacutical Industry. How they fought for years to keep herbs and special vitamin ,mineral remedies off the shelf and out of pharmacies . Finally now you can find a shelf of herbals ,vitamins and minerals in a local pharmacy but not a lot of customer service regarding them .
I will have to get data and references to post more on the topic , for example "Prozac cost the industry .75 to make and they sell it for $250. , and other examples of what the cost of medicine is to make and sell.
I would like to get to read and share information on synthetic medicine and generic medicine ; why some people cannot take a generic medicine ? It is alterd a little bit to lower the price and market competition ; and everytime it goes more generic it becomes alterd more.
Please comment , I look forward to your comments and correct me if I am wrong I love to learn !
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