I'm not sure what Freeman Dyson has been smoking when he argues that cutting-edge genome science is ripe for hobbyists:
The language of the genome is still an undeciphered script, like the Linear B script after it was discovered on ancient clay tablets in Crete. Professional archaeologists and linguists failed for fifty years to decipher Linear B. The amateur Michael Ventris succeeded where the experts had failed, and proved that Linear B was a pre-Homeric form of Greek. I am certainly no Ventris. I cannot decipher my own genome, or extract from it any useful information about my anatomy and physiology. But I consider it a cause for celebration that personal genetic information is now widely distributed at a price that ordinary citizens can afford. Before long, complete human genomes will also be widely available. Then we will see whether the professional experts will win the race to understand the subtle architecture of the genome, or whether some new Ventris will beat them at their own game.
Comparing Linear B to the genome doesn't make any sense - the genome is not 'written' in a single language, remaining to be deciphered. There is no single code to break. The genome is part of an extremely complex system of millions of large molecules diffusing around the cell. The connection between Dyson's genome and his anatomy and physiology will be some day understood in terms of genetics and biophysical chemistry, and that's not any more accessible to hobbyists than something like quantum computing. Maybe Dyson thinks that hobbyists will solve the problems of quantum computing as well, but somehow I doubt he believes that.